Soccer on Thursday 30, November at 21:30

→ Organized by Ben

Open soccer match
21:30 → 22:30
Dris Removed
Billy Won't be there
Etienne Bretaire Won't be there
Colin F Won't be there
Dumont Ludovic Won't be there
Yanis Won't be there
Clément Def Won't be there
Louss Won't be there
Clem Won't be there
Vino_Drogba Won't be there
PULGA Won't be there
Yann Won't be there
Jordane Has been invited
Aurel Has been invited
Benoit F Has been invited
Servier Has been invited
Loïc Ctx Has been invited
Harold Has been invited
Maximilien7 Has been invited
Maxence12698 Has been invited
VincentG Has been invited
Dorian lem Has been invited
Martouf Has been invited
Thibaut Has been invited
Manu35 Has been invited
LoïcCc Has been invited
Gvel Has been invited
Corentin GUILCHER Has been invited
Carlosinho Has been invited

Colin F joined the match

Steven62 joined the match

Merlin joined the match

Merlin joined the match

Ben has blocked a spot for Gaël

Ben has blocked a spot for Dris

Ben has blocked a spot for Corentin

The organizer has edited the lineups

Vino_Drogba joined the match

PULGA joined the match

Billy joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Ben has removed the player Dris

The organizer has edited the lineups

Etienne Bretaire joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Yanis joined the waiting list

Yanis automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Merlin left the match


27/11 11:16

Désolé pour le changement d’heure … 21h30 au soccer rennais

Colin F

27/11 12:24

Je reconfirme dans l'après-midi si je peux toujours venir

Billy left the match


28/11 12:50

Bonjour désolé je vais être short niveau timing

Yann joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Yann left the match

Yann joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Etienne Bretaire left the match

Colin F

28/11 23:55

Salut les gars, je vais laisser ma place désolé
Je ne suis pas sûr de pouvoir être présent

Colin F left the match

Gueda joined the match

Yanis left the match

Robot Assistant

29/11 21:30

The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?

Nassim35 joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Norick joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Vino_Drogba left the match


30/11 10:56

Désolé les gars j’ai senti une douleur au genou ce matin donc je vais pas prendre de risque

Merlin joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

The organizer has edited the lineups

The organizer has edited the lineups

The organizer has edited the lineups

The organizer has edited the lineups


30/11 16:33

Le match est à 20h30


30/11 16:42



30/11 17:01

C’était une question 😅


30/11 17:01

C’est bon pour tout le monde ?


30/11 17:11

Pour 20h pile ça serait nickel, après à voir si ca convient à tous


30/11 17:20

Non non début du ma ch 21h30 !!


30/11 18:52

Moi c'est bon

PULGA left the match


30/11 18:54

Pourquoi vous dites 20 H30 c'est bien marqué 21h30 non ?Perso je joue pas si on est 9 fait chier


30/11 18:54

Hello j’suis désolé j’ai du quitté le match j’ai une urgence de dernière minute


30/11 18:59

Ok perso si on est pas 10 a 20 H30 je me desinscris ça commence déjà à me gaver


30/11 19:00

Il a toujours été dit 21h30


30/11 19:00

D’inscrit toi à 8 on sera mieux 😉

Yann left the match


30/11 19:34

Personne peut ramener 2 joueurs ?


30/11 19:36

Moi j’ai personne et j’ai ramené déjà 4 gars 😂


30/11 19:37

Ok j’essaye de voir de mon côté


30/11 19:37



30/11 20:00

Norick on se donne jusqu’à 20h30 si il y a personne on annule


30/11 20:00

Désolé les gars


30/11 20:06

Salut les gars ça va ? Je comprends plus rien du coup c’est toujours 21h30 ou pas ?


30/11 20:12

4VS4 c’est pas bon pour vous ?


30/11 20:16

Chaud pour un 4v4


30/11 20:16

21h30 Gueda


30/11 20:21

Non c’est à 21h30 mais un 4 contre 4 c’est pas oufff


30/11 20:21

Non vraiment désolé les gars je suis pas du tout fan du quatre contre quatre


30/11 20:22

idem, c’est 3v3 avec 2 goals ..


30/11 20:24

Allez j’annule ! Je téléphone au soccer rennais


30/11 20:24

Encore pire 3 Vs 3 désolé


30/11 20:24

2v1 ?

Ben cancelled the match

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