Soccer on Wednesday 1, September at 19:45

→ Organized by Simious

Open soccer match
19:45 → 22:00
Thomas T Won't be there
Alban Won't be there
Caillavet Laurent Won't be there
Simious Won't be there
Nuno Fernandes Won't be there
Xavi Won't be there
Esdras Has been invited
MIKA 90 Has been invited
Amaury Genvo Has been invited
Lymohamed Has been invited
Kevnight54 Has been invited
Jérémy Has been invited
Jayronimo Has been invited
Lmombi Has been invited
Murat Has been invited
Audran Has been invited
samo Has been invited
Buisson alexis Has been invited
Demaret JR Has been invited
Azou54 Has been invited

Anas joined the match


30/8 10:13

😍 chaud patate

Hamza joined the match

Thierry@ joined the match

Sylvain joined the match

Tony joined the match

Ocakdan joined the match

Orhan54 joined the match

Tugay joined the match


30/8 11:49

Ya que des turcs mdr


30/8 12:19

Moi je suis Américain 😋


30/8 12:20

Moi je suis italien.. 🤔

Ibo joined the match

Alou joined the match

Tony has blocked a spot for mat

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Onur joined the waiting list


30/8 14:58

tout le monde est vacciné ?😭


30/8 16:26

Oui je pense😂😂😂


30/8 16:27

Du coup on va jouer à 3equipes


30/8 20:34

Salut les gars la comcom m a informe que le passe sanitaire est obligatoire pour acceder au gymnase ne l oubliez pas a tt


30/8 20:36



30/8 20:49

Je ferais un test avant venir !

Onur automatically added to the match from the waiting list


31/8 13:48

Salut les gars, quelq'un pour m'embarquer demain 😊?


31/8 17:09

viens en vélo anas


31/8 17:41

Trop loin pour un aller retour + 1h30 de foot 😒😒


31/8 17:46

İl manque combien de joueur pour faire 3 équipes ?

Esdras, Nuno Fernandes, MIKA 90, Xavi, Amaury Genvo, Lymohamed, Kevnight54, Jérémy, Jayronimo, Lmombi, Murat, Audran , samo, Buisson alexis, Demaret JR, Azou54 invited players have received a reminder

Xavi joined the waiting list


31/8 20:24

Bas on a xavi en liste d’attente encore 2 Tugay

Xavi left the waiting list


31/8 21:41

Vous voulez que je demande a devis


31/8 21:53

Oui demande abi, ça serait largement mieux 3 équipes..


01/9 00:12

J'ai fait ma deuxième dose vendredi dernier. Du coup j'ai un pass sanitaire version papier mais il est censé être valide seulement 7 jours après. Ça passe quand même ? À 2 jours près..


01/9 08:25

Si qqun veut rajouter un joueur à ma place ça m'arrange, j'ai une petite gêne au genou. Sinon je viendrai 😁


01/9 12:40

c’est bon alou sa passe


01/9 13:07

Du coup on sera 12 finalement ? Pas 13 pas 14 hein ?...


01/9 14:08

on sera 12

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Wednesday 1 September at 19:45