→ Organized by Carlosinho
Maxence12698 joined the match
Loïc Ctx joined the match
Beckham 23 joined the match
15/12 15:13
Pas de terrain mercredi donc même heure jeudi
Maxence12698 left the match
Yilmaz joined the match
KONNAN joined the match
15/12 21:39
Dernier changement c’est mercredi 21:00
15/12 22:18
Ok c’est bon pour moi
Talien joined the match
Nicolas Chtl joined the match
Yannick M- joined the match
The match is full : a waiting list is now available
Samir35135 joined the match
Aurel joined the waiting list
16/12 13:56
Ceux qui ne sont jamais venu merci de confirmer (Yannick / salut et ylmaz)?
16/12 15:49
C’est ok
16/12 15:51
Ok pour moi
Florent joined the waiting list
Invited players have been notified
Aurel automatically added to the match from the waiting list
Yilmaz left the match
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Too late! No more spot available..
15/12 15:13
15/12 21:39
15/12 22:18
16/12 13:56
16/12 13:56
16/12 15:49
16/12 15:51
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