Soccer on Thursday 6, June at 20:30

→ Organized by Carlosinho

Open soccer match
20:30 → 21:30

Waiting List

Desclos ludovic Won't be there
Quentin Monnier Won't be there
Gaëtan Has been invited
Gaelinho Has been invited
Rogers Has been invited
Tdynho Has been invited
Seb Has been invited
Yann Has been invited
Amine Has been invited
Emeric Has been invited
Driss Has been invited
Hamza (Pedri-xavi) Has been invited
EVEILLARD Has been invited
Fabianski Has been invited
KB10 Has been invited
Loïc Ctx Has been invited
Quentinho85 Has been invited
Alex Hue Has been invited
Aurel Has been invited
Thibaud Has been invited
Francois Badinier Has been invited
Nass Has been invited
Maxence12698 Has been invited
Yanis Has been invited
tominho Has been invited
Jocelyn Has been invited
Dumont Ludovic Has been invited
Thom ding Has been invited
Boizeau Quentin Has been invited
Vincent Has been invited
Amadou Has been invited
Cherel Has been invited
ShafaqZadh Has been invited
POUDI Has been invited
Ailedepigeon Has been invited
Alex gallais Has been invited
Linley Has been invited
Herv Has been invited
florian saliba Has been invited
Hervé Has been invited
Diwan Has been invited
Corentin GUILCHER Has been invited
Ben Has been invited
Florent Has been invited

Marceau joined the match

Aliinho joined the match

Jeremy joined the match

GALAI joined the match

Sami 24 joined the match

Tom joined the match

Dhia joined the match

Anicet joined the match


05/6 23:56

Bonjour, voici mon numéro 0650378364.

Flo Roazhon joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


06/6 08:14

Parfait on est complet. Merci à tous de vous êtes inscrit rapidement. Je vous confirme que la réservation a bien été faite. Rendez-vous devant le terrain. Prez démarrer à l’heure. À ce soir

Nico Castelhano joined the waiting list

Nico Castelhano

06/6 14:41

Si désistement je suis dispo

Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

06/6 20:30

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!

Robot Assistant

06/6 21:30

The match is over! How was it? Don't forget to Vote for the Man of the Match!

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

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This match is over

This match was played on the Thursday 6 June at 20:30