→ Organized by antoine
Younès35 joined the match
MaxAngi joined the match
Toto joined the match
Nolane joined the match
Nolane has blocked a spot for Dounga
Françoisd35 joined the match
Françoisd35 has blocked a spot for Nasser
Kemptreez joined the match
Speedster joined the match
The match is full : a waiting list is now available
Kemptreez left the match
09/1 12:29
Pouvez tousse confirmer par un 👍 pour ce soir ? et on trouvera surment le 10 eme avant ce soir :)
09/1 12:35
09/1 12:46
Present, Nasser present egalement
Nass has blocked a spot for Thomas
09/1 12:48
J'ai ajouté le dixième
09/1 13:52
09/1 14:20
09/1 17:17
Rdv 20h 25 au nom de bouthier , au socer rennais
Ju3522 joined the waiting list
09/1 20:06
Kick-off : match is starting
09/1 20:25
Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!
09/1 20:27
J’arrive jsuis sur la rocade
09/1 22:25
The match is over! How was it? Don't forget to Vote for the Man of the Match!
The match is over
Votes for the match of the match are open
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This match was played on the Thursday 9 January at 20:25
09/1 12:29
09/1 12:35
09/1 12:46
09/1 12:48
09/1 13:52
09/1 14:20
09/1 17:17
09/1 20:06
09/1 20:25
09/1 20:27
09/1 22:25
To ask a question or post a comment, you must : Sign up , It is free.