Soccer on Sunday 21, July at 17:00

→ Organized by Arnaud JACQUOT

Open soccer match
17:00 → 18:00

Waiting List

DJi Won't be there
Linley Won't be there
André5 Won't be there
Gwenole Won't be there
Driss Won't be there
NicoF Won't be there
Quentin Monnier Won't be there
Colins Won't be there
Clément Rivoalen Has been invited
maximepoussain Has been invited
Simon Pit Has been invited
florian saliba Has been invited
Christophe Pit Has been invited
Nicolas 35 Has been invited
Djé Guillemer Has been invited
Elias BELMAHI Has been invited
Bag Lee Has been invited
Fontaine Erwan Has been invited
Beaumanoir Has been invited
Francois H Has been invited
Mamadou War Has been invited
Paulin Has been invited
Clément 35 Has been invited
Quentin Has been invited
Anthony LG Has been invited
Hervé Has been invited
Prat Mickael Has been invited
Gaelinho Has been invited
Clem Reuss Has been invited
Mathieu Person Has been invited
Erwan56 Has been invited
Tosh Has been invited
Tigermic35 Has been invited
Mattéo Perino Has been invited
Valpays Has been invited
Zac Attal Has been invited
Xavier Djorkaeff Has been invited
Pedro milano Has been invited
Amine Has been invited
Vincent Gautier Has been invited
Matthieu Priou Has been invited
Boris Girard Has been invited
Beauman Has been invited
Gaetan ln Has been invited
etienne.c Has been invited
David.fcbm Has been invited
Mouslih Has been invited
Gwen35 Has been invited
Charly007 Has been invited
Damien D Has been invited
Thibaut35 Has been invited
antoine Has been invited
Jeremy Has been invited
EVEILLARD Has been invited
David de gea Has been invited
Gurvanovitch Has been invited
Mario_7 Has been invited

Yssoufi joined the match

NicoF joined the match

Nass joined the match

Nass has blocked a spot for Tann

Nass has blocked a spot for Dorian

Younès35 joined the match

Nass has blocked a spot for Lucas


21/7 12:15

salut les gars, j'ai fais la resa pour 17h pendant 1h30, c'etait me meme prix qu'1h


21/7 12:15

2 gars a trouver !


21/7 12:16

Yes !

Alexandre Ganachaud joined the match

NicoF left the match

Colin F joined the match


21/7 12:31

Il manque qu’une personne


21/7 13:14

Qqn aurait un pote de dispo ? J'ai pas de mon coté

Colin F

21/7 13:26

Rien de mon côté


21/7 13:50

On jouera quand même, même si on est 9 les gars

Colin F

21/7 13:52

Je vous avoue que je passe mon tour si on est 9, on prend toujours moins de plaisir.
Je vous laisserai faire un 4vs4


21/7 13:53

On aura le dixième


21/7 13:53

3 heures encore

kali joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


21/7 14:00

Et voilà nous sommes 10, merci à chacun de confirmer sa présence

Colin F

21/7 14:01



21/7 14:01



21/7 14:07


Chrisdrisk76 joined the waiting list

Alexandre Ganachaud

21/7 14:09


Colins joined the waiting list


21/7 14:54

Tous présents


21/7 16:04

Cool, terrain 4 au nom de Jacquot


21/7 16:05

9€/pers, réservé pr 90 min

Colins left the waiting list

Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

21/7 17:00

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!

Robot Assistant

21/7 18:00

The match is over! How was it? Don't forget to Vote for the Man of the Match!

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

Robot Assistant

22/7 16:00

The match is over! What did you feel? Write it here in the chat.

Robot Assistant

22/7 16:00

Nass Was Chosen as The Man of The Match! Applause for him everybody!

To ask a question or post a comment, you must : Sign up , It is free.

This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 21 July at 17:00