Soccer on Monday 18, September at 17:00

→ Organized by DJi

Open soccer match
17:00 → 18:30
Dero Won't be there
Clem Won't be there
Massin Won't be there
Mouazé Won't be there
Mikael Yilmaz Won't be there
Simon Pit Won't be there
Yace tonton Won't be there
Bibi Won't be there
Merlin Won't be there
Talien Won't be there
Hervé Won't be there
Colins Won't be there
Hamza (Pedri-xavi) Won't be there
Anthony LG Has been invited
chino22 Has been invited
Nico Castelhano Has been invited
Clem Reuss Has been invited
Rams Has been invited
Gvel Has been invited
Loïc Ctx Has been invited
Gonzalo Has been invited
Carlosinho Has been invited
Fillo35 Has been invited
Dumont Ludovic Has been invited
Jocelyn Has been invited
Madih Has been invited
misterdjé Has been invited
Dhia Has been invited
HParis Has been invited
florian saliba Has been invited
Maxime Has been invited
Jeremy Has been invited
Amine Has been invited
Litsimbi guenole Has been invited
Mehdi-tun Has been invited
El Jaguar Inter Has been invited
Billy Has been invited
Quentin Has been invited
jozinho Has been invited
Abdel Has been invited
Mouss48 Has been invited
AbdelNL Has been invited
Lamine Has been invited
Coco Has been invited
POUDI Has been invited
Banctel Has been invited
Driss Has been invited
Arnaud JACQUOT Has been invited
Eli35 Has been invited

Gaelinho joined the match

Quentin Monnier joined the match

Chrisdrisk76 joined the match

Bibi joined the match

Colins joined the match


15/9 14:43

Salut le terrain est réservé au nom de Dji n’oubliez pas de payer votre place payer une h et on débordera un peu normalement il y a personnes derrière

Mouazé joined the match

Mouazé left the match

Quentin Monnier

15/9 17:21

Parfait !

Quentin Monnier

15/9 18:08

Il manque du monde, demandez de votre côté les gars

Hamza (Pedri-xavi) joined the match

Quentin Monnier

16/9 13:26

J’ai trouvé quelqu’un

Quentin Monnier

16/9 13:26

DJi est-ce que tu peux le rajouter

Amadou joined the match

Yace tonton joined the match

Yace tonton left the match


16/9 22:59

We dit moi c’est quoi son nom?

Quentin Monnier

17/9 09:31

Gabin island

DJi has blocked a spot for Gabin island

Robot Assistant

17/9 17:00

The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?

Bibi left the match

Bastosss77 joined the match


18/9 10:19

Salut dji je vais être juste niveau timing pour venir
Dsl je vais annuler j’espère vous allez trouver assez de joueur

Colins left the match


18/9 10:26

Ah dommage ok ça marche merci d’avoir prévenu bne journée à toi à la prochaine 🤙


18/9 13:03

Bon les gars ça sent mauvais pour ce soir si tjr pas complet ds une h ou 2 je me verrais contraint d’annuler désolé d’avance si ça doit être le cas 🙏


18/9 13:49

Yop Dji patiente jusqu'à 15h et si d'ici là tu n'as rien, tu annuleras le five.

Hamza (Pedri-xavi) left the match


18/9 15:18

We après plus je patiente plus les gens parte mdrr j’attend encore mais ça pue


18/9 15:20

Vas-y ça ne sert plus à grand chose d'attendre.
Ça sera pour une prochaine fois le five

Quentin Monnier

18/9 16:01



18/9 16:44

Bn bah à une prochaine les gars

DJi cancelled the match

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