Soccer on Wednesday 5, February at 21:00

→ Organized by Jeanmarie texier

Open soccer match
21:00 → 22:30


Anderson (added by Soufiane )
Will (added by kali )
Jm (added by kali )
Yohann (added by mouss-35)
Quentin Won't be there
Clem Won't be there
Nito Won't be there
Kar Lou ben Won't be there
Nicolas Won't be there
Souillard François Won't be there
Gaelinho Won't be there
Jeanmarie texier Won't be there
marcthibault Won't be there
mathieu b Has been invited
Younes K Has been invited
Charles Has been invited
El Jaguar Inter Has been invited
Remi_bo Has been invited
Guillaume dium Has been invited
Loris Has been invited
SimonLL Has been invited
JULIENBOU Has been invited
Dadou75 Has been invited
Tof Has been invited
CTanguy Has been invited
Colin F Has been invited
Julien35 Has been invited
Loyer Guillaume Has been invited
Armelinho Has been invited
VestyLAmalice Has been invited
Gurvanovitch Has been invited
Benjaminpeguin Has been invited
Clem84 Has been invited
Danzhino Has been invited
allouard Has been invited
Yo Boulic Has been invited
Star-Lord Has been invited
Babas Has been invited
Djodjo Has been invited
SimonPP Has been invited
Ouss14 Has been invited
Tom@ Has been invited
APGDU49 Has been invited
Doré Has been invited
Piresss Has been invited

kali joined the match

AB joined the match

Kar Lou ben joined the match

Kar Lou ben left the match

Alecsy joined the match

Soufiane joined the match

Soufiane has blocked a spot for Anderson

marcthibault joined the match

loumi06 joined the match


04/2 10:13

Merci pour l’invit’ j’ai déjà un match tout à l’heure

Jeanmarie texier

04/2 15:18

Passage en open

mouss-35 joined the match

Souillard François

04/2 18:41

Salut! J'ai une douleur à un genou, mais si vous êtes 9 demain soir je peux dépanner.

Jeanmarie texier

04/2 18:58

Idem, grosse douleur au genou après un petit 8 km des familles. Vraiment du mal à repartir. On dirait que c est moi qui ai accouché...

Jeanmarie texier left the match


04/2 19:00

C la couvade jm


04/2 19:07

Jpeu ramenai deu joueur. ?


04/2 19:07

Si i mank


04/2 19:42

Mouss, j'ai deux potes op à qui j'avais déjà dit de venir, je les inscris pour cette fois.

kali has blocked a spot for Will

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

kali has blocked a spot for Jm

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


05/2 05:51

Pa de soucis


05/2 08:40

Si qq veut inviter un pote pour me remplacer je suis en plein épisode gastro

marcthibault left the match

Jeanmarie texier

05/2 08:57

Mous tu peux inviter ton pote ??


05/2 09:40



05/2 09:40

Sa marche

mouss-35 has blocked a spot for Yohann

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


05/2 09:41

J'ai un autre gars sous le coude mais je te laisse inviter ton pote Mouss...


05/2 09:43

A soir du coup


05/2 09:50

Ça marche


05/2 10:03

C’est au quelle nom ? la réservation


05/2 10:15



05/2 11:01



05/2 20:44

C kel le terrain du cou je suis sur la route

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

Yohann has been voted Man of the Match!

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This match is over

This match was played on the Wednesday 5 February at 21:00