Soccer on Sunday 27, September at 10:50

→ Organized by Derbal

Open soccer match
10:50 → 12:35


omar (added by Derbal)
Mehdi drissi (added by Derbal)
samir 1 (added by Derbal)
samir2 (added by Derbal)
reda (added by Derbal)
Cyril (added by Derbal)
nabil (added by Derbal)
yas y (added by Derbal)
Mehdi 5 (added by Derbal)
Hamza (added by Derbal)
Vega (added by Derbal)
Fabrice (added by Derbal)

Waiting List

Michael Removed
Philippe Removed
3leyo3 Won't be there
Mohamed Removed
Mox Removed
Aymeric Removed
Florian Removed
Anthony Removed
Ben33 Won't be there
Cyril Removed
redha Removed
Antho33 Won't be there
khey omar Removed
Vega Removed
Nabil-H Removed
Yas Ay Removed
samir 3 Removed
Fall Has been invited
Chris Day Has been invited
Nicolas Rossato Has been invited
Ponpon Has been invited
Aurelien1609 Has been invited
Pauleta33 Has been invited
AbidZ Has been invited
Alexpaya Has been invited
pie-leroy Has been invited
riri casillas Has been invited
Matthieu3301 Has been invited
Aujames Has been invited
Ouachin Has been invited
AHMED Has been invited
Adildoumi Has been invited
Corent Has been invited
Mehdi33 Has been invited
Ahmed lt Has been invited
Arnaud Dortmund Has been invited
Niko33 Has been invited
Ihssan Has been invited
Dulot Has been invited
Nikos Has been invited

Derbal has blocked a spot for Michael

Derbal has blocked a spot for Philippe

Derbal has blocked a spot for omar

Enso31 joined the match

Jeecey joined the match

Ilyes33 joined the match

realmehdi33 joined the match

realmehdi33 has blocked a spot for Mohamed

YReda joined the match

Mehdi spoon joined the match

Mehdi spoon has blocked a spot for Mox

DoubleH joined the match

Derbal has blocked a spot for Mehdi drissi

Samir joined the match

Samir has blocked a spot for Aymeric

Samir has blocked a spot for Florian

Samir has blocked a spot for Anthony

Derbal has blocked a spot for Cyril

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Derbal has blocked a spot for redha

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Yas Ay joined the waiting list

Nabil-H joined the waiting list


20/9 18:11

Mince ça se rempli tellement vite cette liste, je n’avais pas fini ma douche que la liste était déjà complète Hahahaha 🤣


20/9 18:25

Nabil restes sur la liste d'attente généralement y a tjrs des désistements. ⚽️⚽️

Yas Ay automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Derbal has removed the player Philippe

khey omar joined the waiting list

khey omar

21/9 09:46

c'est pour un Ami si y a une place de libre

Antho33 joined the waiting list

Vega joined the waiting list

Antho33 left the waiting list

Nabil-H automatically added to the match from the waiting list

realmehdi33 has removed the player Mohamed


25/9 17:16

Salut Kader! Ça va? Apparement la préfète ferme les salles de sport à partir de demain, du coup dimanche pour le foot sa se maintien?


25/9 17:21

Bonjour a tous je viens d'avoir urban soccer seulement les terrains d'extérieur seront opérationnel j'ai réussi a réserver un seul terrain. De ce fait seulement les 10 premiers peuvent jouer le dimanche. Je dis à très bientôt. Désolé pour les 10 derniers.


25/9 17:34

Merci pour ton retour
Elle aurait pu attendre lundi.... bref bon match au 10 premiers inscrits


25/9 17:38

Salut les gars. Vu les conditions je laisse ma place pour cette semaine. On verras pour la semaine pro. Bon match

khey omar automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Jeecey left the match


25/9 17:54

Salut à tous, ça veut dire que la liste s’arrête à Double H c’est ça ?


25/9 18:31

Oui nabil malheureusement

khey omar has been removed from the players

Vega has been removed from the players

Nabil-H has been removed from the players

Yas Ay has been removed from the players


25/9 18:36

Il faut réserver les deux terrains extérieurs pour la semaine prochaine dès maintenant

Mehdi spoon

25/9 18:38

Oui c'est pas idiot

Derbal has removed the player redha


25/9 18:40

Je laisse deux remplaçants au cas ou

Derbal has removed the player Cyril

Samir has removed the player Anthony

Samir has removed the player Florian

Samir has removed the player Aymeric


25/9 18:45

Re a tous match maintenu samir

Derbal has blocked a spot for samir 1

Derbal has blocked a spot for samir2

Derbal has blocked a spot for samir 3

Derbal has blocked a spot for reda

Derbal has blocked a spot for Cyril

Derbal has blocked a spot for nabil

Derbal has blocked a spot for yas y


25/9 18:52

Ok ok ça me va!! J’ai vu que tu m’as rajouté avec mes 3 collègues merci!!

Mehdi spoon

25/9 18:52

Maintenu Pour les 20 joueurs ?


25/9 19:02

Oui pour les 20 mehdi peux tu prévenir yas y stp

Derbal has blocked a spot for Mehdi 5

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Mehdi spoon

25/9 19:18



25/9 22:05

Oui avec 1 gardien qui change pas juste pour faire l’équipe 😉

Mehdi spoon has removed the player Mox

Mehdi spoon

26/9 10:43

Mox ne peux pas venir il manque un joueur


26/9 11:01

Moi aussi j’en ai 1 en moins

Derbal has removed the player samir 3

Derbal has blocked a spot for Hamza

Derbal has blocked a spot for Vega

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


26/9 14:19

Bonjour messieurs, si vous ramenez vos enfants je ramene min fils, tenez moi au courant svp


26/9 14:21

OK pour rayan.


26/9 16:46

On joue dehors?


26/9 20:08

Non comme dhabitude a l'intérieur. L'extérieur c'est dimanche d'après.

Derbal has removed the player Michael


26/9 22:48

Bonjour a tous Michael a un empêchement a la dernière min si vous connaissez qlq1

Derbal has blocked a spot for Fabrice

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Jeecey joined the waiting list


27/9 09:54

Pour ceux qui emmenent leurs enfants mon fils pourra pas etre la, je m'excuse

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

Mehdi drissi, samir 1, Cyril, yas y has been voted Man of the Match!

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This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 27 September at 10:50