Soccer on Thursday 5, December at 12:30

→ Organized by Mohamed - Ali

Open soccer match
12:30 → 13:30


Johnson (added by Mohamed - Ali)
Mahmoud (added by Mohamed - Ali)
Martin (added by Mohamed - Ali)
Remi (added by Mohamed - Ali)
Cyril W (added by Mohamed - Ali)
Cyril D (added by Mohamed - Ali)
Ismaïl (added by Mohamed - Ali)
Alex Won't be there
T@r١ck Won't be there
Abdel Messalti Has been invited
Ham Has been invited
Maxime Has been invited
ChrisF78 Has been invited
Videira32 Has been invited

Mohamed - Ali has blocked a spot for Johnson

Mohamed - Ali has blocked a spot for Mahmoud

Mohamed - Ali has blocked a spot for Martin

Mohamed - Ali has blocked a spot for Remi

Mohamed - Ali has blocked a spot for Cyril W

Mohamed - Ali has blocked a spot for Cyril D

Mohamed - Ali has blocked a spot for Ismaïl

Sly7 joined the match

T@r١ck joined the match

The match is full

T@r١ck left the match


04/12 00:12

Desolé les gars j'annule,

Je suis tombé malade.

Bon foot.

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