Football on Thursday 5, December at 12:30

→ Organized by Mohamed - Ali

Open football match
12:30 → 13:30


Johnson (added by Mohamed - Ali)
Mahmoud (added by Mohamed - Ali)
Martin (added by Mohamed - Ali)
Remi (added by Mohamed - Ali)
Cyril W (added by Mohamed - Ali)
Cyril D (added by Mohamed - Ali)
Ismaïl (added by Mohamed - Ali)
Alex Won't be there
T@r١ck Won't be there
Abdel Messalti Has been invited
Ham Has been invited
Maxime Has been invited
ChrisF78 Has been invited
Videira32 Has been invited

Mohamed - Ali has blocked a spot for Johnson

Mohamed - Ali has blocked a spot for Mahmoud

Mohamed - Ali has blocked a spot for Martin

Mohamed - Ali has blocked a spot for Remi

Mohamed - Ali has blocked a spot for Cyril W

Mohamed - Ali has blocked a spot for Cyril D

Mohamed - Ali has blocked a spot for Ismaïl

Sly7 joined the match

T@r١ck joined the match

The match is full

T@r١ck left the match


04/12 00:12

Desolé les gars j'annule,

Je suis tombé malade.

Bon foot.


04/12 10:28

C’est toujours bon le match ? J’ai peut être un joueur

Robot Assistant

04/12 12:30

The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?

Malik75 joined the match

The match is full

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This match is full

This match is full

Too late! No more spot available..