Soccer on Sunday 19, February at 10:00

→ Organized by Akira

Open soccer match
10:00 → 11:30
ISSAMEEE Won't be there
NiRoN Won't be there
Oubella Won't be there
Oubella782 Won't be there
Najitolbi Won't be there
Aïssa Won't be there
Merwane Won't be there
MarwenGallala Won't be there
fmb Has been invited
Anto carap Has been invited
Da Luz Has been invited
Mehdi78 Has been invited
reda28 Has been invited
redareda Has been invited
Pol Has been invited
Nabil Has been invited
Djibson07 Has been invited
tarik Has been invited
Alex Has been invited
Jamel Has been invited
Kamel Has been invited
Maxime Has been invited
Yassine Has been invited
KHATIR Has been invited
Amadou Has been invited
Abdou Has been invited
djibi Has been invited
Vince Has been invited
Julien78 Has been invited
Ali Kadir 2 Has been invited
Ali Kadir Has been invited
Kaly Has been invited
Zak95 Has been invited
Wallid Has been invited
Brigan Has been invited
Rayan Has been invited
Sly7 Has been invited
ELMALKI Has been invited
Juboateng Has been invited
Mimoun Has been invited
Enes Has been invited
Adrien Nada Has been invited
Abderrahman Has been invited

12/2 13:29

Salut les gars , j organise le match mais c est Julien qui jouera a ma place , terrain 5 réservé,bon foot

AdR78 joined the match

ISSAMEEE joined the match

Mourade 78 mantes joined the match

Quentino joined the match

Nshuit joined the match

ISSAMEEE left the match


14/2 19:35

Salam à tous désolé je ne serais pas là je laisse ma place bon match à vous

Invited players have been notified


18/2 10:01

Salut les gars il manque trop de joueurs, si in est pas assez a 19h , j annule match , bonne journée


18/2 13:13

Yo Akira ? Bien les vacances ? Tu peux mettre le match en public. Simer a+


18/2 14:32

Salut Adrien, oui ca va merci 😉, je viens de passer le match en public par contre si ce n est pas plein d ici 19h j annule le match , A+

Oubella joined the match

Aïssa joined the match

Oubella782 joined the match

Merwane joined the match

MarwenGallala joined the match

The match is full


18/2 16:45

Salut les gars , le match est bien complet pour demain, soyez bien a l heure svp 10h pile terrain 5 , merci


18/2 17:03



18/2 17:12


Aïssa left the match

Oubella782 left the match

Oubella782 joined the match

The match is full

Aïssa joined the match

The match is full


18/2 18:28

salut est ce que c est comlplet ?

Najitolbi joined the match

The match is full


18/2 18:30

Salut les gars on est desormais complet , a demain 10h pile sans retard svp


18/2 18:34

desole les gars erreur de ma part je ne pourrai pas venir bon match

Najitolbi left the match

Dado joined the match

Mourade 78 mantes

18/2 19:13

C es complet ou pas

Aïssa left the match


18/2 19:15

Il manque encore 2 joueurs les gars

Mourade 78 mantes

18/2 19:19

Si Non je peut mettre mon fils


18/2 19:21

Oui vas sy


18/2 19:22

C'est compliqué et y'a des nouveaux profils pas certain qu'il faut prendre le risque


18/2 19:30

Si on est pas complet ce soir j annule le match

Merwane left the match

Bassem joined the match

Frontis-Lewis joined the match


18/2 20:59


J'ai un gars, il s'appelle Hack, il est partant. Pouvez-vous le rajouter ?

MarwenGallala left the match


18/2 21:17

Si il vient et le fils de mourade ça veut dire qu’on est complet ou bien?

Akira has blocked a spot for Hack


18/2 21:19

Si on peut se fixer rapidement
Sinon je vais devoir quitter la feuille de match


18/2 21:19

Merci Front Lewis ! J ai ajouté Hack


18/2 21:19

Mourade c bon pour ton fils aussi


18/2 21:19


Akira has blocked a spot for Mourad fils

The match is full


18/2 21:20

On est bien complet! Bonne soirée a demain !


18/2 21:21

Bon match les gars !


18/2 21:41

Bonne soirée, à demain.


19/2 09:01

Réservation et terrain ?


19/2 09:04

Bonjour terrain 5 réservé

Kick-off : match is starting


19/2 10:05

J'arrive dans 10 minutes désolé du retard

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open


20/2 13:56

Bassem qui met 0 a tout le monde 😂😂

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This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 19 February at 10:00