Soccer on Friday 6, January at 19:30

→ Organized by Rachid

Open soccer match
19:30 → 20:30
Wutang7 Won't be there
abtiss Won't be there
Wanid 78 Removed
Tellem Won't be there
Eliesse Has been invited
Kouams Has been invited
MarwenGallala Has been invited
Chrisdom Has been invited
Mohamed m Has been invited
Dine RADJI Has been invited
Piment92 Has been invited
Chems92 Has been invited
Luxbru Has been invited
Manrique Has been invited
frederic bellanger Has been invited
Giovapopop Has been invited
De rotti Has been invited
Spanky78 Has been invited
Akira Has been invited

Wane. Y. joined the match

Wutang7 joined the match

Wutang7 left the match

Wutang7 joined the match

Wutang7 left the match

Wutang7 joined the match

Tellem joined the match

Wutang7 left the match

Rachid has blocked a spot for Wanid 78

Rachid has blocked a spot for Hicham 78

Kev971 joined the match

Tellem left the match


05/1 14:51

Sorry je me dés inscrit du match. Je suis pas sure de venir à l’heure. Je préfère ne pas prendre de risque. Toute façon s’il reste encore une place d’ici demain je vais à nouveau adhérer.


05/1 15:05

Ok merci à demain

Souan joined the match

Djeffo joined the match

Hjm 78 joined the match

Ismail89 joined the match

Pisco joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Abderrahman joined the waiting list


06/1 15:40

Disponible si y’a désistement .


06/1 15:42

Ok tu peux venir


06/1 15:43


Abderrahman automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Rachid has removed the player Wanid 78


06/1 16:01

Tout le monde peut confirmer merci


06/1 16:10

Ok pour moi


06/1 16:33



06/1 16:56

Ok pour moi


06/1 17:15

Hicham ok


06/1 17:29

Ok pour moi

Wane. Y.

06/1 18:17

Ok pour moi j'aurai un léger retard merci mais je suis là pour ce soir


06/1 18:18

Les autres ??

Hjm 78

06/1 18:20

Ok pour moi


06/1 18:50

On a qu'une heure

Kick-off : match is starting


06/1 19:32

5min retard jariv


06/1 19:33

On estsur les sur le terrain la vous êtes où là


06/1 19:34

N 3

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

Wane. Y.

06/1 20:35

Sincèrement désolé je n'ai pas pu être là à l'heure je suis arrivé à 20h30 je n'ai même pas osé vous voir dans le terrain parce que je sais que c'est pas bien de faire ça mais j'ai eu vraiment un contretemps désolé à une prochaine

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This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 6 January at 19:30