Soccer on Tuesday 12, October at 19:00

→ Organized by Rone

Open soccer match
19:00 → 20:30


Mohamed (added by Reda)
Yanis (added by Abdel Messalti)
Yassine (added by Reda)
Zakaria (added by Mohamed Delastagass)
Moh Removed
Fahed Removed
Khalel Removed
Videira32 Won't be there
Ham Won't be there
Maxime Won't be there
Ricardo Won't be there
Mimoun Won't be there
Dado Won't be there
Hichdorfe Won't be there
Julien Has been invited
Hebert kevin Has been invited
Anto carap Has been invited
Atanane Has been invited
popduh Has been invited
Nshuit Has been invited
Quentino Has been invited
Borodino Has been invited
Redart Record Has been invited
Manolo78 Has been invited
Kouams Has been invited
Nordine. Has been invited
Fiktou Has been invited
Yazid Has been invited
Shafik Has been invited
Mounir E. Has been invited
Enes Has been invited
Abderrahman Has been invited
Marwenn Has been invited
Prestù Has been invited
Salah13 Has been invited
Akira Has been invited

Reda joined the match

Reda has blocked a spot for Mohamed

Ham joined the match

Ham has blocked a spot for Moh

Ricardo joined the match


10/10 22:19

Passe sanitaire obligatoire


10/10 22:20


Reda has blocked a spot for Fahed

Reda has blocked a spot for Khalel

Abdel Messalti joined the match

Abdel Messalti has blocked a spot for Yanis

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Videira32 joined the waiting list

Videira32 left the waiting list


11/10 10:28

Pas de créneau disponible à cette heure


11/10 10:29

Il ne reste que 19h 20h 30 ou 21h 30 23h,
Lequel vous arrange le plus ?


11/10 11:11

Salut je sors de chez le kinésithérapeute il m’a dit de ne pas jouer au foot pendant 2 3 semaines encore je vais me retirer

Ham left the match

Ham has removed the player Moh

Maxime joined the match

Alex joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


11/10 12:59

Je vais prendre 19h30


11/10 12:59

19h plutôt


11/10 12:59

Bon rétablissement Ham


11/10 13:01

C'est réservé à 19h au nom de Harouna


11/10 14:45

OK pour 19 h

Maxime left the match

Mimoun joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


12/10 10:01

Présent ✌
N'oubliez pas vos Pass Sanitaire.

Ricardo left the match

Reda has removed the player Khalel

Reda has removed the player Fahed


12/10 12:00

Harouna , prends 20h30 si tu peux


12/10 12:01

Ça n'arrange personne 19h j'ai l'impression

Mimoun left the match


12/10 12:22

Tout le monde est parti


12/10 12:22

J'annule le match ?


12/10 12:23

Moi je suis là avec mon ami après il faut juste que sa se complète


12/10 12:25

D'accord, on attends jusqu'à qu'elle heure ?
L'autre créneau disponible est de 21h30 , 23h


12/10 12:25

Je sais pas tu dois avoir une heure limite de confirmation normalement


12/10 12:38



12/10 12:39

Tu es large pour le moment alors 👍🏼


12/10 12:40

On croise les doigts

Reda has blocked a spot for Yassine

Dado joined the match

Dado left the match

Mohamed Delastagass joined the match

Mohamed Delastagass

12/10 17:01

Les gars bien ou quoi personne à des pistes pour deux joueurs ?

Mohamed Delastagass has blocked a spot for Zakaria


12/10 17:27

Désolé je vais devoir annuler

Mohamed Delastagass

12/10 17:35

Je viens de trouver une personne de plus pkoi tu as annuler

Mohamed Delastagass

12/10 17:36

On est 10 sayé

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This match is canceled

This match is canceled

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