Match cool avec une équipe sympa ✌️ on Tuesday 28, September at 20:30

→ Organized by Rom

Open soccer match
20:30 → 22:00
Ramos Removed
Bobby Won't be there
FLo Won't be there
Brigan Removed
Hichdorfe Removed
Manolo78 Removed
Hassan0808 Won't be there
Yacine Won't be there
Hamid78200 Won't be there
Videira32 Won't be there
Salah13 Won't be there
Mimoun Won't be there
fmb Won't be there
Adel Won't be there
Julien78 Won't be there
Akira Won't be there
Samba Won't be there
Kouams Maybe
Da Luz Has been invited
Marwenn Has been invited
Bibich Has been invited
Alex Has been invited
Djibson07 Has been invited
Julien Has been invited
Juboateng Has been invited
Ludovitche Has been invited
Abderrahman Has been invited
Gregorinho Has been invited
Nshuit Has been invited
Borodino Has been invited
Fiktou Has been invited
Yazid Has been invited
FRANK RIOS Has been invited
Prestù Has been invited
Quentino Has been invited
Mac Felix Has been invited
Benji2408 Has been invited
Mamad Has been invited
Ali Has been invited
NiRoN Has been invited
Ham Has been invited

Nono joined the match

Brigan joined the match

Hichdorfe joined the match

Manolo78 joined the match

Manolo78 has blocked a spot for Ramos

Bobby joined the match

Bobby left the match

fmb joined the match

Dams78 joined the match

AdR78 joined the match

AdR78 has blocked a spot for Da luz

FLo, Da Luz invited players have received a reminder

Brigan has been removed from the players

Hichdorfe has been removed from the players

Manolo78 has removed the player Ramos

Manolo78 has been removed from the players

charles joined the match

Mimoun joined the match


27/9 15:27

Hello les gars,

Bienvenue dans le match.
On devait jouer avec une équipe dont 2 joueurs sont blessés.

N'hésitez pas à inviter vos amis ou joueurs de votre équipe pour ce match ✌️


27/9 15:28

Bonjour Rom .

Du coup c'est 5 contre 5 ?


27/9 15:29

Oui, 5 contre 5.
Mais nous avons un remplaçant 😉


27/9 15:29

Ça marche 👍


27/9 15:29

Une autre fois ...bon match


27/9 15:29

Merci Christophe 😉


27/9 17:45

Dsl rom pas dispo ! Bon match les franj1 !👌🏼🤙🏼

Mimoun left the match


27/9 17:49

Ça va être trop juste pour moi demain finalement . Prochaine fois Rom et merci pour l'invite 👍

fmb left the match


27/9 18:24

ça roule les gars, merci ✌️


27/9 18:59

Slt ROM, du coup il faut sortir pdt le match vu qu’il y a un remplacement ?


27/9 19:00

Hello Alex,
En fait plus de remplaçant 😉
Donc non ✅

Alex joined the match


27/9 20:03

Merci pour l'invit Rom mais je serai au taff dsl une prochaine fois

Julien78 joined the match

Julien78 left the match

charles left the match

charles joined the match


28/9 09:15

Hello les gars,
Trop de désistements, on va devoir annuler pour ce soir 😬


28/9 10:44

Rom ya Paris ce soir c'est pour ca


28/9 10:46

Yes je crois, merci Quentino 😉


28/9 10:56

Salut rom c'est annulé pour ce soir ?


28/9 11:00

Io AdR,

Oui trop de désistements.
Sauf si tu as quelques joueurs ?

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