Soccer on Friday 3, May at 19:30

→ Organized by Arno

Open soccer match
19:30 → 20:30


Titi1 (added by OM)
Titi2 (added by OM)
Alex (added by OM)
Hugor (added by OM)
Ami Nassim (added by Nassim35)
Patrick Geffroy Won't be there
ChadilyJR Won't be there
EVEILLARD Won't be there
Arno Won't be there
Fan fly 53 Won't be there
Rémi Won't be there
Alyd Won't be there
Teddylc Won't be there
Erwan56 Won't be there
jeff7 Won't be there
Frantz Has been invited
florian saliba Has been invited
Tcha Roger Has been invited
PeterBa Has been invited
Pierrick35 Has been invited
Zzr Has been invited
Rony Has been invited
Baptiste Has been invited
Casillas Has been invited
Théo Has been invited

Pascal joined the match

Teddylc joined the match

Greg35 joined the match

jeff7 joined the match

OM joined the match

OM has blocked a spot for Titi1

OM has blocked a spot for Titi2

Arno left the match

Fan fly 53 joined the match

Fan fly 53

01/5 15:57

Salut à tous.
Je me suis fait mal au genou droit au boulot, impossible de courir !
je laisse ma place, désolé.
Bon match à vous.

Fan fly 53 left the match

OM has blocked a spot for Alex

OM has blocked a spot for Hugor

Frantz, florian saliba, Tcha Roger, Rémi, Erwan56, PeterBa, Pierrick35, Zzr, Alyd, Rony, Baptiste , Casillas, Théo invited players have received a reminder


02/5 16:53

Salut si vous etes en galère de joueur il est possible que je vienne. Je suis encore blesse a la cheville mais pour depanner je peux gerer....


02/5 17:49

Salut arwan ben inscris-toi si vraiment tu peux jouer .


02/5 18:00

Bah, si vous acceptez le fait que je ne pourrais pas trop courir c'est ok...

Erwan56 joined the match

The match is full


02/5 18:24

LOL. Tu seras défenseur

Teddylc left the match

Erwan56 left the match


03/5 08:44

Résa effectué👍

jeff7 left the match


03/5 10:31

Je dois finir plus tard ce soir le taff, imprévu dans l’équipe


03/5 10:34

Les gars on est que 7 joueurs on fait comment ?

Nassim35 joined the match

Amine joined the match


03/5 15:26

On va faire cinq contre quatre si pas mieux

Nassim35 has blocked a spot for Ami Nassim

The match is full


03/5 17:39

Parfait on est 10 !!!


03/5 17:42

La resa est à quel nom les gars ?


03/5 17:43

Arno nasim

Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

03/5 19:30

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!

Robot Assistant

03/5 20:30

The match is over! How was it? Don't forget to Vote for the Man of the Match!

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 3 May at 19:30