Soccer on Friday 18, August at 19:15

→ Organized by Arno

Open soccer match
19:15 → 20:15
florian saliba Won't be there
Beckham 23 Won't be there
Greg35 Won't be there
Patrick Geffroy Won't be there
Linley Won't be there
Laëtitia Won't be there
Luucas Won't be there
Gildas Won't be there
BenPius Won't be there
Sad batistuta Won't be there
Merlin Won't be there
Colins Won't be there
Fan fly 53 Removed
Thomas Maybe
OM Has been invited
Teddylc Has been invited
Frantz Has been invited
PeterBa Has been invited
Banctel Has been invited
R-9 Has been invited
Fabianski Has been invited
Bastosss77 Has been invited
Dhia Has been invited
Doré Has been invited
Driss Has been invited
PaulOM13 Has been invited
Herv Has been invited
Mugisho Has been invited
Nassim35 Has been invited
ChadilyJR Has been invited
Quentin Has been invited
Gaëtan Has been invited
Ramzy35 Has been invited

Rémi joined the match

Pascal joined the match

Erwan56 joined the match

Fan fly 53 joined the match

Linley joined the match

Fan fly 53

17/8 09:23

Salut Arno,
tu réserves le terrain ?

Linley left the match


17/8 12:38

C'est chaud patate pour demain soir !

Fan fly 53

17/8 13:16

Yes, si pas complet demain midi on annule ?


17/8 16:35

Ok !
On fait comme ça

Robot Assistant

17/8 19:15

The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?

Gildas, OM, Teddylc, BenPius, Frantz, PeterBa invited players have received a reminder

Sad batistuta joined the match

Quentin Monnier joined the match

Sad batistuta left the match

Quentin Monnier

18/8 11:20

Moi je peux ramener du monde si besoins

Quentin Monnier

18/8 11:20

Il manque 4 personne en tout ?


18/8 11:31

Oui 4

Gvel joined the match

Fan fly 53

18/8 12:36

Du coup je laisse tomber pour ce soir. Je suis sur Lorient, prévu autre chose pour ce soir avec potes.
Bon w-e à vous.

Quentin Monnier

18/8 12:49

Okay donc il manque toujours 4 joueurs ?

Quentin Monnier

18/8 13:03

On est 8 ! J’en ai trouvé deux


18/8 13:25

On est 7 du coup...

Quentin Monnier

18/8 14:45

J’ai pris en compte le fait que fanfly 53 ne venais pas

Quentin Monnier

18/8 14:45

Donc il manque deux joueurs !

Quentin Monnier

18/8 14:45

Allez les gars proposé à vos collègues si ils sont chaud !


18/8 14:48

De mon côté c'est mort. Mes potes sont en vacances


18/8 14:51

A 16h si on est pas le nombre le match sera annulé.

Billy joined the match


18/8 15:27

Je me suis inscrit histoire qu'on s'en rapproche ... on sait jamais

Quentin Monnier

18/8 15:32

Nous sommes 7 + mes 2 amis ça fais 9

Quentin Monnier

18/8 15:32

Et on sera 10

Quentin Monnier

18/8 15:38

J’en cherche un dernier

Eli35 joined the match


18/8 15:50


Quentin Monnier

18/8 15:55

C’est bon

Quentin Monnier

18/8 15:55

J’ai trouvé le 3 eme !


18/8 15:55

Résa faite👍


18/8 15:56

On est pas 7! Fan fly n'est pas la


18/8 15:57

On est 10 !!!! Avec Gilles

Fan fly 53 has been removed from the players


18/8 15:59

J'ai retiré Gaëtan (fan fly...)


18/8 16:00

Ah je pige plus rien, 🤣 je te fais confiance a tout a l'heure


18/8 16:01

J'arrive pas à modifier la feuille de match, de mon côté, je peux venir avec Daniel et Gilles


18/8 16:04

Je rajoute Gilles

Arno has blocked a spot for Gilles

Quentin Monnier

18/8 16:12

J’ai essayé de rajouter un copain à moi mais comme je suis pas organisateur je pense que je ne peux pas en rajouter

Quentin Monnier

18/8 16:13

Arno essaye de le rajouter pour moi


18/8 16:27


Arno has blocked a spot for Pote Quentin

The match is full

Sad batistuta

18/8 16:37

Bonjour le match est complet ?

Sad batistuta

18/8 16:37

Si il y’a désistement je suis ok

Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

18/8 19:15

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!

Robot Assistant

18/8 20:15

The match is over! How was it? Don't forget to Vote for the Man of the Match!

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

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This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 18 August at 19:15