Soccer on Thursday 17, August at 20:30

→ Organized by Maël

Open soccer match
20:30 → 21:30
Maël Won't be there
Merlin Won't be there
Linley Removed
Housben Removed
FabienB Won't be there
RG Brasil Won't be there
Kimos Won't be there
Fillo35 Has been invited
Vincent Has been invited
Cascade Has been invited
Bastien Spartan Has been invited
misterdjé Has been invited
Gonzalo Has been invited
François.s Has been invited
Bibi Has been invited
BenPius Has been invited
Yann Has been invited
Mario_7 Has been invited
Walera Has been invited
Martin29 Has been invited
Kristof Has been invited
Babas Has been invited
Isaact Has been invited
Enfer Has been invited
Clément Has been invited
Flo22 Has been invited
David1111111111 Has been invited
Mitch Mcs Has been invited
Maxwell123 Has been invited
John35 Has been invited
Driss Has been invited
Gaelinho Has been invited
CAŔDONÁ JR Has been invited
Blin-alex_89 Has been invited

Richy darcey joined the match

SimFMB joined the match

Yohann35 joined the match

Alan joined the match

Charly50 joined the match

Maël left the match

Maxime joined the match


11/8 16:12

Y’a pas Francois dans la liste des invités ?


11/8 16:12

Je l’ai invité


11/8 16:51

De toute façon il est en vacances

Gvel joined the match

Jocelyn joined the match


16/8 08:39

Yo l'équipe, je relance des invitations pour trouver les 2 joueurs manquants.
Si le match n'est pas complet d'ici ce soir, je le met en public.
Bonne journée à tous


16/8 08:41

Salut 🫡 Normalement j’ai quelqu’un !


16/8 08:42

Mon frère peut venir au Soccer mais j’arrive pas à le mettre


16/8 08:51

Mon gars est chaud aussi ! Et pareil j’arrive pas rajouter …

Alan left the match

Alan joined the match


16/8 08:53

Peux-tu l’ajouter Maël stp Il s’appelle François


16/8 08:53

Avec le frère de Gaël c’est bon on est 10 !


16/8 08:54

Mon frère Roberto

Alexandre Ganachaud joined the match

Linley joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Quentin Monnier joined the waiting list

Housben joined the waiting list

Housben joined the waiting list

Housben left the waiting list

Housben joined the waiting list


16/8 12:42

On fait quoi alors ?
Jpeux encore enlever des gars pr en ajouter d autre si besoin...

Sad batistuta

16/8 13:56

Bonjour si il y’a de place je suis dispo


16/8 14:02

Mais plutôt le frère de Gael et mon collègue non ? On risquera moins les faux plans.


16/8 14:04



16/8 14:13



16/8 17:19

C quoi le nom de ton collègue Alan ?


16/8 17:48

Roberto il s’appelle mon frère


16/8 18:46



16/8 18:46


Linley has been removed from the players

Quentin Monnier has been removed from the players

Alexandre Ganachaud has been removed from the players

Housben has been removed from the players

Maël has blocked a spot for Roberto

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Maël has blocked a spot for Francois

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


16/8 22:08

C fait. Désolé pour ceux que j ai du enlever...


16/8 22:52

C'est quoi ton plan l'organisateur ? Tu fais des trucs bizzares! Pourquoi tu m'as retiré ?
Tu m'invites, je me suis inscrit et j'allais venir et je suis retiré...


17/8 08:48

Mon plan c est de faire en sorte qu il y est match le jeudi soir avec tout les inscrits de présent et que l'on puisse se défouler dans la bonne ambiance.
Sur ce coup ci j ai fais une erreur en envoyant une invit groupé au lieu de demander aux joueurs si il avaient 2 gars pour compléter.
J'essaye de faire au mieux Linley mais désolé pour toi sur ce coup ci.
Bonne journée à tous


17/8 08:56

Merci Maël ! Bonne journée à toi aussi

RG Brasil joined the waiting list

Kimos joined the waiting list

RG Brasil left the waiting list

Kimos left the waiting list

Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

17/8 20:30

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!

Robot Assistant

17/8 21:30

The match is over! How was it? Don't forget to Vote for the Man of the Match!

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

Robot Assistant

18/8 19:30

The match is over! What did you feel? Write it here in the chat.

Robot Assistant

18/8 19:30

Roberto Was Chosen as The Man of The Match! Applause for him everybody!

To ask a question or post a comment, you must : Sign up , It is free.

This match is over

This match was played on the Thursday 17 August at 20:30