Soccer on Tuesday 30, May at 21:00

→ Organized by Anicet

Open soccer match
21:00 → 22:00


Aloïs (added by Anicet)
Morgan (added by Sébastien 35)
Lut's Won't be there
Colins Won't be there
Fanch2802 Won't be there
FranckyZoukLove Won't be there
Antide Won't be there
Linley Won't be there
Anicet Won't be there
BenPius Won't be there
Driss Won't be there
Djé35 Won't be there
David Lptr Won't be there
Chino Won't be there
Ju3522 Has been invited
Elsa Has been invited
Mario_7 Has been invited
Marceau Has been invited
TABAKERA Has been invited
Chacha Has been invited
Mahamadou 35 Has been invited
Rayan Has been invited
Tdynho Has been invited
antho59 Has been invited
Erwand Has been invited
kali Has been invited
Charles Has been invited
ettabii Has been invited
Bruno91g Has been invited
Alexis Carreau Has been invited
Mehdi35 Has been invited
El pistolero Has been invited
Danny mellow Has been invited
Davad Has been invited
IS77 Has been invited
Minouche Has been invited
Gvel Has been invited
ElieLJ Has been invited
Ronan Has been invited
Brian Has been invited
Ravanelli Has been invited
Yvonnick 974 Has been invited
Nassim3525 Has been invited
Jerome Has been invited
Chrisdrisk76 Has been invited
Nego Has been invited
Jeremie kernen Has been invited
Alex gallais Has been invited
Gaël_J Has been invited
Nass Has been invited
Fabianski Has been invited
Yann Has been invited

Sébastien 35 joined the match

Sébastien 35 left the match

Nico Castelhano joined the match

Djé35 joined the match

Linley joined the match

Driss joined the match


26/5 14:43

Salut Anicet, ça fait un bail comment tu vas ?! Désolé, j'avais pas vu toutes les invitations que tu m'avais envoyées au préalable parce que je n'avais pas rallumé footinho depuis un bout de temps 😂 et j'ai déménagé depuis l'année dernière en région parisienne donc je risque de ne pas pouvoir jouer ahah. Cela dit dès que je reviens sur rennes et si jamais il y a un créneau, je viendrai avec plaisir. Prends soin de toi et de tes proches, à bientôt 🤝👍😉

David Lptr joined the match

David Lptr

26/5 18:21

Hello Anicet, peux-tu mettre le match en public pour anticiper ? 😉


26/5 18:28

Yes c'est fait

Nico Castelhano

27/5 14:56

Yo Anicet

Nico Castelhano

27/5 14:56

Tu peux rajouter mon pote Alois c’est ok pour lui

Nico Castelhano

27/5 14:56


Invited players have been notified

Jocelyn joined the match

Anicet has blocked a spot for Aloïs


30/5 07:51

Désolé je vais avoir un empêchement pour ce soir, je suis vraiment désolé de devoir annuler

Linley left the match

Anicet left the match

Sébastien 35 has blocked a spot for Morgan

Driss left the match


30/5 11:49

Moi aussi pareil les gars désolé

Nico Castelhano

30/5 11:53

Ça sent le sapin cette affaire


30/5 18:21

Moi dispo mais pas de voiture. Toute façon ça sent l'annulation, manque 4 joueurs.

Sébastien 35

30/5 18:29

Je pense que tu peux annuler Anicet


30/5 19:29

Bon bah c'est mort

J_bobin joined the match

Djé35 left the match

Chino joined the match

David Lptr

30/5 20:32

Désolé les gars c’est annulé

David Lptr left the match

Chino left the match

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

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This match is over

This match was played on the Tuesday 30 May at 21:00