Soccer on Friday 24, March at 19:30

→ Organized by Arno

Open soccer match
19:30 → 20:30
Mugisho Won't be there
OM Won't be there
Patrick Geffroy Won't be there
Greg35 Won't be there
Rémi Won't be there
Beckham 23 Won't be there
Frantz Has been invited

Erwan56 joined the match

Greg35 joined the match

Fan fly 53 joined the match

Beckham 23 joined the match

florian saliba joined the match

Teddylc joined the match

Pascal joined the match

PeterBa joined the match

Hadès, Rémi, Frantz invited players have received a reminder

Greg35 left the match

Gildas joined the match

Beckham 23 left the match


24/3 15:17

Salut les gars , le match est annulé ?


24/3 15:24

Non pourquoi ?


24/3 15:48

Il manque un joueur c’est pour ça


24/3 15:53

Ah ok


24/3 16:23

Bonjour à tous, on joue même à 9 ? :s

florian saliba

24/3 16:30

Je pourrai courir pour 2 au pire 😆. Ça va le faire si on met les plus physiques dans l’équipe de 4. Et au pire on changera les équipes en cours de match.

Fan fly 53

24/3 18:26

Yo, le match est maintenu, on jouera à 9.
Merci d'avance pour ton dévouement Flo.


24/3 18:37

Oui oui on joue !!
Aller hop!!

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 24 March at 19:30