Soccer on Friday 18, February at 19:00

→ Organized by Arno

Open soccer match
19:00 → 20:00


Nanard la star (added by Arno)
Sylvain (added by Teddylc)
Steve (added by Teddylc)
Frantz (added by Teddylc)
Clément Removed
Clément Removed
Gildas Won't be there
Fan fly 53 Won't be there
Guillaume Removed
Greg35 Won't be there
Pascal Has been invited
Saïdb Has been invited
Abdi-78 Has been invited
Baptiste Has been invited
O Jamalinho Has been invited

Arno has blocked a spot for Nanard la star

Teddylc joined the match

Teddylc has blocked a spot for Sylvain

Teddylc has blocked a spot for Steve

Teddylc has blocked a spot for Clément

Teddylc has blocked a spot for Clément

Teddylc has removed the player Clément

Beckham 23 joined the match

Greg35 joined the match

OM joined the match

Teddylc has blocked a spot for Guillaume

The match is full

Teddylc left the match

Teddylc joined the match

The match is full

Teddylc has removed the player Guillaume

Greg35 left the match

Thomas joined the match

Teddylc has removed the player Clément

Teddylc has blocked a spot for Frantz

Pascal, Saïdb, Abdi-78, Lenoir, Jamalinho invited players have received a reminder


18/2 17:26

Salut Je suis dispo au cas où il manque un joueur 👍


18/2 17:41

Ok c'est noté 👍

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 18 February at 19:00