Soccer on Sunday 28, July at 16:50

→ Organized by Bilal

Open soccer match
16:50 → 17:50


Azziz (added by Bilal)
Nadir (added by Bilal)
El youssef (added by Bilal)
Sofiane (added by Bilal)
Badis (added by Bilal)
Abdou (added by Bilal)
Rayan (added by Bilal)
Karim Removed
Hamza SAK Won't be there
Nasré Won't be there
ThomasR Has been invited
Arno Has been invited
Divdiv1987 Has been invited
Zaouuii Has been invited
Bendahou badr Has been invited
Olyvyer Has been invited
Ily10 Has been invited

Bilal has blocked a spot for Azziz

Bilal has blocked a spot for Nadir

Bilal has blocked a spot for El youssef

Bilal has blocked a spot for Sofiane

Bilal has blocked a spot for Badis

Bilal has blocked a spot for Abdou

Bilal has blocked a spot for Karim

Bilal has blocked a spot for Rayan

Hicham23 joined the match

Mohamed joined the match

Karim01 joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Hamza SAK joined the waiting list

Nasré joined the waiting list

Hamza SAK left the waiting list

Nasré left the waiting list

Bilal has removed the player Karim

Hamza SAK

28/7 14:51

Bilal. Ous avez du monde ou pas ?

Hamza SAK

28/7 14:51



28/7 14:52

Salem Hamza j’ai vu que tu avai quitté la liste d’attente donc j’ai trouvé quelqu’un

Rizoum joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Hamza SAK

28/7 15:01

Suoer. J'ai quitté la liste d'attente parce que c'était complet, mais comme il y a eu des désistements, je voulais m'assurer que vous n'avez pas besoin de moi avant que je fasse une sieste😅
Bon match !

Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

28/7 16:50

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!

Robot Assistant

28/7 17:50

The match is over! How was it? Don't forget to Vote for the Man of the Match!

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 28 July at 16:50