Soccer on Tuesday 13, September at 19:00

→ Organized by Seb Jeulin

Open soccer match
19:00 → 20:00
Tutu Won't be there
Alex44 Won't be there
Tom Vez Won't be there
Seb Jeulin Won't be there
Guillaume Jacquin Has been invited
Bobby1012 Has been invited
Pierre VRSK Has been invited
ArthurBebar Has been invited
cocogeliz Has been invited
Fafa FCCG Has been invited
Paulo Has been invited
Ryan giggs Has been invited
TiboHazard Has been invited
Mathieu B Has been invited
Beaudey Has been invited

Flo Moulin joined the match

Tutu left the match

Tom Vez

10/9 13:32

Légère pointe la cuisse depuis mardi, si ça va pas mieux lundi matin je zapperai cette semaine

Loïs R. joined the match

François C. joined the match

Julien13 joined the match

GuillaumeGimenez joined the match

Bib89 joined the match

Xavier Rive joined the match

Jean N joined the match

Seb Jeulin has blocked a spot for Guillaume Ryan

ChrisR joined the match

Seb Jeulin left the match

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Tuesday 13 September at 19:00