Soccer on Thursday 10, February at 20:45

→ Organized by Gab

Open soccer match
20:45 → 22:15
Kevton Won't be there
Far69 Won't be there
Remsy Won't be there
Nvuillem Won't be there
Carim BZ Won't be there
Titi69 Has been invited
Patrick Has been invited
Lucas Caternet Has been invited

Florian Groms joined the match

Steve joined the match

Invited players have been notified

Billy JO’ joined the match

Vininho joined the match

Remsy joined the match

Gralex joined the match

Titi69, Patrick , Lucas Caternet, Nvuillem invited players have received a reminder

Remsy left the match

Carim BZ left the match

Gab has blocked a spot for Karim

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This match is canceled

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