Soccer on Monday 30, January at 21:00

→ Organized by Hristo

Open soccer match
21:00 → 22:00


Валката (added by Hristo)
Ванката (added by Hristo)
Дени (added by Hristo)
Влади (added by Hristo)
Крисо (added by Hristo)
Дани (added by Hristo)
Венци Removed
Yavor Zahariev Won't be there
Alexandar Rangelov Has been invited
Todor Staynov Has been invited
Vladimir Beshkov Has been invited
Adrian Has been invited

Hristo has blocked a spot for Валката

Hristo has blocked a spot for Венци

Hristo has blocked a spot for Ванката

Hristo has blocked a spot for Дени

Михаил joined the match

Михаил joined the match

ognyan joined the match

Hristo Krunchev joined the match

Ivan ivanov joined the match

Hristo has blocked a spot for Влади

Hristo has removed the player Венци

Hristo has blocked a spot for Крисо

Hristo has blocked a spot for Дани

Zlato joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Monday 30 January at 21:00