Soccer on Wednesday 22, February at 20:00

→ Organized by Pit83

Open soccer match
20:00 → 21:00


Hugo (added by Pit83)
Antonin (added by Pit83)
Nico (added by Pit83)
Tonio (added by Pit83)
Stef (added by Pit83)
Johan (added by Pit83)
Guillerminho Won't be there
Khaled Won't be there
Lacyaf Won't be there
Pit83 Won't be there
Anthony Roux Won't be there
Ju de coco Won't be there
Ch’nicky Has been invited
Leo Has been invited
Pointu Gauche Has been invited
Yasser m Has been invited
Mael1 Has been invited
Samuelinho Has been invited
Calabrese Has been invited
Mathias Has been invited
Sashamnz83 Has been invited
Toto_eldiablo Has been invited
Charles_lgrs Has been invited

Marnet joined the match

Le râleur 1er du nom joined the match

Karim joined the match

Marnet left the match

Marnet joined the match

Tardito joined the match

Pit83 has blocked a spot for Hugo

Pit83 has blocked a spot for Antonin


18/2 13:31

Le raleur 2, tu t'es inscrits a ce match mais aussi a l'autre le meme jour a la meme heure avec l'autre equipe, si tu peux confirmer soit pour celui ci ou soit pour l'autre merci

Le râleur 1er du nom left the match

Lacyaf joined the match

Lacyaf left the match

Pit83 has blocked a spot for Nico


20/2 11:37

Desole les gars je ne vais pas pouvoir jouer, je me suis blessé hier, je me retire du matche

Pit83 left the match


20/2 12:20

Tu sert à rien

Pit83 has blocked a spot for Tonio

Pit83 has blocked a spot for Stef


22/2 10:49

Salut la team, on est que 8 ce soir ?

Steve Curo

22/2 15:53

Salut, pour l’instant on est 9 et si Julien trouve pas de 10eme y’a mon frère qui complétera !

Steve Curo joined the match

Pit83 has blocked a spot for Johan

The match is full

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Wednesday 22 February at 20:00