Soccer on Wednesday 11, January at 20:00

→ Organized by Marnet

Open soccer match
20:00 → 21:00


Nico (added by Marnet)
Robin cas (added by Marnet)
Steeve rallo (added by Marnet)
Teddy (added by Marnet)
Thierry (added by Marnet)
Jeancul (added by Marnet)
Efix Removed
VinceV Won't be there
Leo Won't be there
Sashamnz83 Won't be there
Mathias Won't be there
Robin Removed
JULIAN Won't be there
Toto_eldiablo Won't be there
Mathias83500 Won't be there
Khaled Won't be there
Samuelinho Won't be there
Anthony Won't be there
Guillerminho Won't be there
Ju Won't be there
Ch’nicky Has been invited
Anthony Roux Has been invited
Ju de coco Has been invited
Charles_lgrs Has been invited
Thibautt Has been invited
Pointu Gauche Has been invited
Chris # Has been invited
Axel Has been invited
Yann Has been invited
Magnier Has been invited
Vincent Lebeau Has been invited
Yasser m Has been invited
Jordan Has been invited
Mael1 Has been invited
Face93 Has been invited
Kévin Has been invited
Brieug Has been invited
Maxence Dugourd Has been invited
Benjinho Has been invited
Olivier Lepotedejulien Has been invited
VincentB Has been invited
Robin cas Has been invited

Efix joined the match

Steve Curo joined the match

Efix has been removed from the players

Tardito joined the match

Leo joined the match

Sashamnz83 joined the match

Anthony joined the match

Leo left the match

Sashamnz83 left the match

Pit83 joined the match

Marnet has blocked a spot for Robin

Marnet has blocked a spot for Nico

Khaled joined the match

Marnet has blocked a spot for Robin cas

Marnet has removed the player Robin


08/1 09:36

Salut les gars j'étais sur la liste d'attente sur un autre match a la même heure et je viens de réaliser que je suis vais y participer. Je quitte le match du coup désolé

Khaled left the match

Anthony left the match


09/1 18:38

Hello les gars malheureusement je ne serait pas présent mercredi suite à une blessure… on se revoit très vite j’espère à bientôt ✌️👍👌


09/1 19:29

Salut pas de problème Antho bon rétablissement

Marnet has blocked a spot for Steeve rallo

Marnet has blocked a spot for Teddy

Marnet has blocked a spot for Thierry

Marnet has blocked a spot for Jeancul

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Ju left the waiting list

The organizer has edited the lineups

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

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This match is over

This match was played on the Wednesday 11 January at 20:00