Soccer on Tuesday 13, September at 20:30

→ Organized by Clem

Open soccer match
20:30 → 21:30
Paul LS Won't be there
Mamad Removed
Jpinho Won't be there
Jehan Won't be there
Gaspard R Won't be there
Quellardinho Won't be there
Gaelinho Has been invited
KevinH44 Has been invited
Julien T Has been invited
Adricam Has been invited
Jocelyn Has been invited
Lucas Gv Has been invited
Tony Flejeo Has been invited
Maxime Has been invited
AxelDP Has been invited
Nico Has been invited
Alex B Has been invited
Louis F Has been invited
Foulques Has been invited

Rodolphe joined the match

Rodolphe joined the match

FSM joined the match

Julien / Fifou joined the match

François F joined the match

Louis D joined the match

Jpinho joined the match

Louis D has blocked a spot for Mamad

Jpinho left the match

Jehan joined the match


07/9 12:36

Enfaite pas dispo mardi pro... Bon match 😘

Jehan left the match

Deroo joined the match

Yannick-K joined the match

Quellardinho joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Quellardinho left the match

Ophelie joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Louis D has removed the player Mamad

Clem has blocked a spot for Gilles

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Tuesday 13 September at 20:30