Soccer on Thursday 28, October at 18:00

→ Organized by Jojo Dsa

Open soccer match
18:00 → 20:00


Luka (added by Jojo Dsa)
Jason (added by Jojo Dsa)
Brice (added by Jojo Dsa)
Enzo (added by Jojo Dsa)
Florent Durain Won't be there
Evan7 Won't be there
Jeremie Bnk Won't be there
Jordan CAMPIZANO Won't be there
Simonian Won't be there
MOREAUX Won't be there
Vincent felicien Won't be there
Pascal PALISSE Won't be there
Laurent allez l OM Won't be there
*Adrien* Won't be there
matoze Won't be there
Jo Won't be there
Yannou l'avalanche Won't be there
Vincent muller Won't be there
Dylan2698 Won't be there
Hammi Lassaad Has been invited
Gaetan kluhs Has been invited
Faissal26 Has been invited
Benjamin L. Has been invited
Louka guillemin Has been invited
Santonito Has been invited
TrafalgarDjo Has been invited
OuiOuis Has been invited
Jayz Has been invited
Hammi Lassaad Has been invited
Julien Caritey Has been invited

26/10 19:52

Pas disponible mais la semaine prochaine oui tien moi au courant

Vincent felicien

26/10 20:07

Je fini à 20h

Gaetan kluhs

26/10 21:01

J’ai déjà un match à 19h

Jojo Dsa

26/10 21:05

Ouai je sais pas grave tkt

Yannou l'avalanche joined the match

Vincent muller joined the match

Jojo Dsa has blocked a spot for Luka

Jojo Dsa has blocked a spot for Jason

Jojo Dsa has blocked a spot for Brice

matoze joined the match

Jojo Dsa

27/10 18:13

Les gars changement de programme ya pas de place de 18h 20h a st peray on va a porte les valence au power soccer et juste 1h de 18h a 19h ca vous va ?


27/10 18:17

Je ne sais jamais vraiment quand je termine précisément, et donc si c’est 1h et que je suis en retard ( comme souvent ) bah j’ai pas envie de payer pour 45 minutes tu vois, c’est mieux quand c’est 2h


27/10 18:17

Donc moi je ne serais pas là désolé

matoze left the match

Jojo Dsa

27/10 18:22

Pas de souci il dois me rappeler en cas si la place de 19h se libere je te tiens au courant

Jojo Dsa has blocked a spot for Enzo

Yannou l'avalanche

28/10 09:39

Salut je vais pas pouvoir venir finalement je suis vraiment désolé

Yannou l'avalanche left the match

Vincent muller

28/10 10:37

Désolé je ne pense pas pouvoir venir se soir car je vais finir trop tard

Vincent muller left the match

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