Soccer on Wednesday 13, July at 19:00

→ Organized by Ben64

Open soccer match
19:00 → 20:00
philippeR Won't be there
Romain Huteau Compta Removed
Mathieu P Won't be there
ROMALDO Won't be there
Paul Hiribarren Won't be there
Julen Landeta Removed
JULNINHO Has been invited
Enola Bergeon Has been invited
Augustin Has been invited
Jean hiribarren Has been invited
Paul Hiribarren Has been invited
Minetti Has been invited
Iban Etcheberry Has been invited
batou pop Has been invited
Marco Errante Has been invited
Zenen64 Has been invited

Jaunain joined the match

GrasB9 joined the match

Delbosque joined the match

Guyominho joined the match

Mathieu P joined the match

PaulJuriste joined the match


07/7 19:28

Nop cheville en vrac


07/7 19:29

Guéri toi bien 💪🏼

PaulJuriste has blocked a spot for Romain Huteau Compta


07/7 19:33

J'attends sa confirmation demain mais Romain qui est apprenti à la compta pourrait venir parmi nous

ROMALDO joined the match

DavidVM joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Mathieu P left the match


11/7 09:58

Up il reste une place

PaulJuriste has removed the player Romain Huteau Compta


12/7 00:47

Hello à tous, Il reste même 2 places, Romain Huteau ne pourra pas être là mercredi


12/7 00:49

Chaud pour la reprise en 4v4 😅

ROMALDO left the match


12/7 14:46

Ça va finir 2 vs 2 paddle


12/7 14:48

Salut à tous, je me suis claqué hier et je ne vois pas d'amélioration aujourd'hui... Je vais devoir me désister. Dsl


12/7 14:49

Soigne toi bien 😉


12/7 14:49

Ben on annule si on n'est pas 4v4 ?


12/7 14:54

Attends on va trouver


12/7 15:03

Michelle Hiribarren devrait se chauffer oui


12/7 15:05

il est rond depuis 2 jours à Pampelune pas sûr qu’il vienne

Michel hiribarren

12/7 16:01

De retour de Pamplune, toujours chaud pour un foot

Michel hiribarren

12/7 16:02

Mais un 4-4 c’est l’enfer faut qu’on arrive a trouver 2 joueurs

Michel hiribarren joined the match

Paul Hiribarren, JULNINHO, Enola Bergeon, Augustin, Jean hiribarren , , Minetti, Iban Etcheberry , batou pop, Marco Errante, Zenen64 invited players have received a reminder

Jaunain has blocked a spot for Julen Landeta

Jaunain has removed the player Julen Landeta

Jaunain left the match

Jaunain joined the match


13/7 11:35

J’ai le 10eme normalement, j’attends qu’il me confirme

Michel hiribarren

13/7 11:35

Super 🥰


13/7 11:35

Ok Antho 😉


13/7 11:36

Top !


13/7 11:40

C’est des rugbymen par contre 🤷🏼‍♂️

Jaunain has blocked a spot for Maxime Berdou

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


13/7 15:05

T'as un pbl avec les rugbymen ? 😆


13/7 15:09

Non j’en suis un, mais disons que le foot n’est pas une priorité pour eux, tout simplement 😉


13/7 15:10

Je te taquine 😉

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open


13/7 21:00

Qui est ce qui m'a foutu 2 ?

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This match is over

This match was played on the Wednesday 13 July at 19:00