Soccer on Thursday 19, September at 20:25

→ Organized by antoine

Open soccer match
20:25 → 22:25

antoine has blocked a spot for mbape

antoine has blocked a spot for kiki

Gurvanovitch joined the match

Ilyesdjem joined the match

Quentin joined the match

PULGA joined the match

Corent joined the match

Akash Ganguly joined the match

Zako17 joined the match

antoine has removed the player mbape

antoine has removed the player kiki

Djallil B joined the match

MaxAngi joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Clem joined the waiting list

Antoine F joined the waiting list

David de gea joined the waiting list

JulienBa joined the waiting list

HParis joined the waiting list


19/9 08:26

Les gars on est 5 en liste d’attente merci de confirmer votre présence les inscrits histoire qu’on s’organise si besoin et pas 1h avant le match, merci


19/9 08:28

C’est ok pour moi


19/9 08:28


Akash Ganguly

19/9 08:41


Akash Ganguly

19/9 08:42

moi et mon ami, nous venons tous les deux


19/9 08:48

C’est quoi le pseudo à ton ami stp ?

Akash Ganguly

19/9 08:51

Il n’est pas là, c’est la liste. Il vient avec moi et si quelqu’un se retourne, il jouera alors.

Ashwin joined the waiting list


19/9 09:35

rdv 20h 20 au nom de bouthier


19/9 10:18

Zako et moi c’est good


19/9 10:19


Antoine F left the waiting list

Djallil B

19/9 11:19

Présent 👍


19/9 12:14


Clem left the waiting list


19/9 15:25


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This match is full

This match is full

Too late! No more spot available..

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