Soccer on Thursday 11, July at 20:25

→ Organized by antoine

Open soccer match
20:25 → 22:25
jeje Removed
kiki Removed
clem Removed
navas Removed
david de gea Removed
Clem Reuss Won't be there
kali Won't be there
AKZ Won't be there
antoine Won't be there
David de gea Has been invited

antoine has blocked a spot for jeje

antoine has blocked a spot for kiki

Gurvanovitch joined the match

antoine has blocked a spot for clem

Chacha joined the match

antoine has blocked a spot for navas

antoine has blocked a spot for david de gea

kali left the match

Luis7779 joined the match

kali joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Dero joined the waiting list

DJi joined the waiting list

Dero automatically added to the match from the waiting list

kali left the match

Bibi joined the waiting list

AKZ joined the waiting list


10/7 12:21

Antoine je tes envoyer mp sur ton tel

DJi automatically added to the match from the waiting list

antoine has removed the player navas


10/7 19:00

Salut DJi, t’es bien dispo pour demain ?

Thibaut35 joined the waiting list

Thibaut35 joined the waiting list

Thibaut35 left the waiting list

Thibaut35 joined the waiting list

AKZ left the waiting list


11/7 12:27

bon les gars , encore un sousi avec le soccer rennais , ils ont oublier de nous actualiser pour le reste de l'anné , du coup je propose un soccer a vern ce soir , je suprime ce match et j'en refait un autre a coté , ceux qui veulent venir , inscriver vous !!!

Bibi automatically added to the match from the waiting list

antoine left the match

Thibaut35 automatically added to the match from the waiting list

antoine has removed the player jeje

antoine has removed the player kiki

antoine has removed the player clem

antoine has removed the player david de gea

antoine cancelled the match


11/7 12:45

J’ai 45mn de route jusqu’à vern si le match est a 21h c’est bn pr moi avant je ne pourrais pas


11/7 12:48

J’avais pas vu ton message Antoine, pas possible pour moi Vern


11/7 13:50

Bn match a vs une prochaine

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