Soccer on Thursday 20, June at 20:55

→ Organized by Nivek

Open soccer match
20:55 → 22:00


Alexandre (added by Nivek)
Loïc (added by Nivek)
Charles (added by Nivek)
François (added by Nivek)
Jonathan (added by Nivek)
Guillaume (added by Nivek)
Morgan (added by Nivek)

Waiting List

Colins Won't be there
Bassirou_bsg Has been invited
Osmanbhm Has been invited

Nivek has blocked a spot for Alexandre

Nivek has blocked a spot for Loïc

Nivek has blocked a spot for Charles

Nivek has blocked a spot for François

Nivek has blocked a spot for Jonathan

Nivek has blocked a spot for Guillaume

Nivek has blocked a spot for Morgan

Yanis joined the match


18/6 13:27

Merci Yanis !
Plus qu'un joueur à trouver

Tosh joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


18/6 17:00

Merci Tosh !
On se retrouve jeudi vers 20h50-55 au Soccer Rennais.
Le terrain est réservé au nom de Thomas


18/6 17:25



18/6 19:43

Désolé les gars très gros imprévu

Yanis left the match


18/6 19:47

Dommage une prochaine fois peut-être Yanis...
Bon retour à 9 nous cherchons donc un dernier joueur toujours

El-N RZK joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Yanis joined the waiting list


18/6 21:23

Merci El-N RZK pour t'être inscrit !
On compte donc sur toi pour jeudi.


19/6 10:32

Salut, oui je serai présent

Amadou joined the waiting list

Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

20/6 20:55

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!

Robot Assistant

20/6 22:00

The match is over! What did you feel? Write it here in the chat.

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Thursday 20 June at 20:55