Soccer on Sunday 9, July at 17:00

→ Organized by RG Brasil

Open soccer match
17:00 → 18:30
El Pistón Won't be there
Cedric 35 Won't be there
Kriss9 Won't be there
loumi06 Won't be there
claire Won't be there
kassi Maybe
Frantz Has been invited
Manu3545 Has been invited
Gendrot Has been invited
Leff Has been invited
Antonio888 Has been invited
Arno Has been invited
Damien35 Has been invited

01/7 19:14

Dsl jai un soucis je peux pas venir

RG Brasil

01/7 19:19

Pas grave mec


09/7 01:28

Jai un contre temps demain. Dsl


09/7 01:28

Jai un contre temps demain. Dsl

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This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 9 July at 17:00