Soccer on Friday 17, November at 20:55

→ Organized by chino22

Open soccer match
20:55 → 22:25


Moh (added by chino22)
Amiri (added by chino22)
Wat (added by chino22)
Moun (added by chino22)
Tach (added by chino22)

Waiting List

chino22 has blocked a spot for Moh

chino22 has blocked a spot for Amiri

chino22 has blocked a spot for Wat

chino22 has blocked a spot for Moun

ChadilyJR joined the match

Aminovich joined the match

chino22 has blocked a spot for Tach

ChadilyJR left the match

Banctel joined the match

ChadilyJR joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


15/11 19:07

Salut les gars, vous pouvez me confirmer pour vendredi


15/11 19:19

On sera Présent vendredi avec banctel


15/11 19:21

Ok t’es avec banctel, c’est cool

Thibaut35 joined the waiting list

Thibaut35 joined the waiting list

Thibaut35 left the waiting list

Thibaut35 joined the waiting list


16/11 10:10

Salut Piscomadidi, ok à vendredi 20h45 pour s’échauffer un peu avant

Driss joined the waiting list


16/11 19:42

Désolé les gars je dois annuler, y a plus de terrain disponible pour la réservation

chino22 cancelled the match

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