Soccer on Saturday 7, January at 17:00

→ Organized by Mario_7

Open soccer match
17:00 → 18:30

Clem Reuss joined the match

Tuco11 joined the match

Antide joined the match

Kalafate joined the match

Dimé joined the match

Nassim3525 joined the match

Nego joined the match

Gaël_J joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


04/1 11:25

Je viens de réserver un terrain au nom de Mario pour ce samedi.

Driss joined the waiting list

Yace tonton joined the waiting list

Driss left the waiting list

Yace tonton left the waiting list


07/1 16:55

Pour ma part je suis arrivé


07/1 16:57

On sera sur le terrain numéro 5

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Saturday 7 January at 17:00