Soccer on Monday 11, July at 20:30

→ Organized by Uriel

Open soccer match
20:30 → 22:00
Noah Removed
Arcadie Won't be there
Gaelinho Won't be there
Thomatinho Won't be there
Abdel Removed
Rams Won't be there
Dimitri M Won't be there
Clem Won't be there
POUDI Has been invited
Leff Has been invited
Clément percevalovitch Has been invited
Isaact Has been invited
Kévin Massin Has been invited
Driss Has been invited
MathieuMD Has been invited
Patate Has been invited
Flo Roazhon Has been invited
Nass Has been invited
Werwes Has been invited
Nassim Has been invited
Gaël_J Has been invited
Mario_7 Has been invited
Charly50 Has been invited
Gvel Has been invited
Banctel Has been invited
Casillas Has been invited
Valvrg35 Has been invited
Matthew James Has been invited
Santi Has been invited
Baptiste Has been invited
Na2s Has been invited
Florent Has been invited
Julio35tt Has been invited
Jérémie16 Has been invited
Litsimbi guenole Has been invited
Santi Has been invited
Tiasma35 Has been invited
Soufiane Has been invited
Francois lm Has been invited
FranckyZoukLove Has been invited
Nico35 Has been invited
Kriss9 Has been invited
JérémyG Has been invited
Shokdee Has been invited
Manu3545 Has been invited
Pierre Kbl Has been invited
Chrisdrisk76 Has been invited
Vino_Drogba Has been invited
Tobias Has been invited
Panza Has been invited
Nai-liK Has been invited
Jul Has been invited
Olivier Has been invited
Matthieu Has been invited

Dimehh joined the match

Dimehh joined the match

Amine1234 joined the match

Gaelinho joined the match

Thomatinho joined the match

Amine1234 has blocked a spot for Noah


11/7 10:26

Encore 4 places disponibles n’hésitez pas à inviter des gens !

RG Brasil joined the match

Ramzy35 joined the match

Ikramzer joined the match


11/7 11:24

Les gars y’a une modification sur l’horaire on jouera de 20h30 à 22h.


11/7 11:25

Au Soccer rennais


11/7 11:25

Pour la plupart des joueurs ça pose pas de problèmes, tenez nous au courant si vous pouvez pas.


11/7 11:52

Salut, pas de soucis pour moi et Noah. A ce soir


11/7 12:36

Salut idem pour moi, à ce soir!!

Rams joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


11/7 13:29

Pour ne pas avoir de mauvaises surprise, vous pouvez me confirmez que vous serez tous présent à 20h30 ? Ce serait top merci


11/7 14:56

Trop tard pr moi, désolé

Gaelinho left the match


11/7 14:58

Pareil pour moi, je ne peux pas sur cet horaire désolé

Thomatinho left the match


11/7 15:04

Ok nous on est toujours chaud, il reste deux places les gars !


11/7 17:48

Ça va être galère de trouver deux personnes


11/7 17:51

N’hésitez pas à faire jouer vos contacts


11/7 17:52

On est entrain d'en chercher


11/7 17:52

On attend 19h45 avant d’annuler si on trouve personne

n’golo joined the match


11/7 18:14

Encore une personne et c’est bon


11/7 18:45

On est 10 c’est bon les gars

Dimehh has blocked a spot for Abdel

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


11/7 18:46



11/7 18:50

Désolé j’avais pas vu le changement d’heure ça ne va pas être possible pour moi

Rams left the match

M’kirech joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Dimehh has removed the player Abdel


11/7 19:09

Ikram ta pas un pote qui est chaud pour jouer ?


11/7 19:10

Wsh pk on est que 10 alors qui y'en a un qui vient d'arriver ?


11/7 19:11

C’est la même personne il vient de s’inscrire sur l’appli


11/7 19:11

J’ai réussi seulement à ramener n’golo


11/7 19:12



11/7 19:12

C’est déjà pas mal


11/7 19:12

On peut trouver en 45 min c’est faisable


11/7 19:12

Ah ok bah au pire on trouvera sûrement un joueur sur place nan


11/7 19:13

Oui ça peut marcher aussi mais c’est mieux si on trouve avant


11/7 19:16

J’ai trouvé la dernière personne Cnest Bon?


11/7 19:17

Carré il vient avec wat sur

Malidi joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Malidi joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Malidi joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


11/7 19:19


Amine1234 has removed the player Noah


11/7 19:21

Les gars y’a eu un désistement de dernière minute lâchez rien on va trouver un dernier joueur


11/7 19:23

Relou…mais on peut trouver encore les gars


11/7 19:23

Il nous manque plus qu'un joueur!!


11/7 19:23

Mais nannn ??? Vas y on va trouvez lâcher rien les gars ça va le faire


11/7 19:26

J’ai trouvé un autre gars j’attends sa confirmation


11/7 19:27

Ngolo c’est trop toujours à la récupération c’est pas une légende mdr 👍


11/7 19:30

Mdrr magnifique n’golo


11/7 19:32

C’est déjà l’homme du match


11/7 19:34

À mort 😂


11/7 19:36

C’est trop d’honneur merci beaucoup 😂


11/7 19:37

Bon les gars rdv 20h20 même si on est 9, on essaiera de trouver le dernier


11/7 19:37

Ngolo on mise tout sur toi

Messire joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


11/7 19:40

Tu as misé sur la bonne personne alors 😂


11/7 20:02

Le nom de la réservation c’est Amine

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Monday 11 July at 20:30