OPEN FOOT - 50% de réduction - Match ouvert à tous on Thursday 10, November at 21:00

→ Organized by Team Footinho

Open soccer match
21:00 → 22:00


GREG (added by Tdynho)
JO (added by Tdynho)
BRYAN (added by Tdynho)
Mehdi (added by Ali__)
Vegeta (added by Fouad)
Team Footinho Won't be there
El Jaguar Inter Won't be there
Antoinecnn Won't be there
Manu3545 Won't be there

08/11 00:14

encore trop juste physiquement, j'irai gardien si il manque quelqu'un.


10/11 01:42

feignant ;)


10/11 13:38

Mdr jsuis encore blessé oh ! un peu de compassion ^^

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This match is over

This match was played on the Thursday 10 November at 21:00