Soccer on Wednesday 16, February at 19:30

→ Organized by Renaud15

Open soccer match
19:30 → 20:30


1 (added by Renaud15)
2 (added by Renaud15)
3 (added by Renaud15)
4 (added by Renaud15)
5 (added by Renaud15)
6 (added by Renaud15)
Baron (added by Etienne Bretaire)
7 Removed

Renaud15 has blocked a spot for 1

Renaud15 has blocked a spot for 2

Renaud15 has blocked a spot for 3

Renaud15 has blocked a spot for 4

Renaud15 has blocked a spot for 5

Renaud15 has blocked a spot for 6

Renaud15 has blocked a spot for 7

Etienne Bretaire joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Etienne Bretaire has blocked a spot for Baron

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Etienne Bretaire

16/2 15:37

Salut, à quel nom est la réservation ?


16/2 16:08

Merci Bretairinho et Baron. Nous comptons sur vous. A l'accueil, c'est le terrain vallée

Renaud15 has removed the player 7


16/2 16:10

Si vous avez un autre joueur, on vient d'avoir un désistement

Yann joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Etienne Bretaire

16/2 16:12

Je vais demander

Etienne Bretaire

16/2 16:13

Ah bh non c'est bon


16/2 16:46

Parfait alors, merci Yann


16/2 16:54

Terrain au nom de Vallée, démarrage du match à 19h30. A tout à l'heure

Etienne Bretaire

16/2 17:12


Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Wednesday 16 February at 19:30