OPEN FOOT - Match GRATUIT - ouvert à tous on Thursday 20, October at 21:00

→ Organized by Team Footinho

Open soccer match
21:00 → 22:00


Greg (added by Micka C.)
Jo (added by Micka C.)
djeiko (added by Tdynho)
Nico (added by Micka C.)
xxx (added by Tdynho)
Team Footinho Won't be there
Juantinho Won't be there
Donnie Won't be there
Damien35 Won't be there
Maksim Won't be there

17/10 12:51

Désolé empêchement pour jeudi


20/10 12:38

Empêchement de dernière minute pour mon boulot se soir

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This match is over

This match was played on the Thursday 20 October at 21:00