Soccer on Tuesday 4, January at 19:00

→ Organized by Gffrey

Open soccer match
19:00 → 20:00


Player 1 (added by Gffrey)
Player 2 (added by Gffrey)
Player 3 (added by Gffrey)
Player 3 (added by Gffrey)
Player (added by Gffrey)
Player (added by Gffrey)
Player (added by Gffrey)
Polo (added by Gffrey)
Fr (added by Gffrey)
Aminebln Won't be there
jr35v Won't be there
Gaelinho Won't be there

Gffrey has blocked a spot for Player 3

Gffrey has blocked a spot for Player 1

Gffrey has blocked a spot for Player 2

Gffrey has blocked a spot for Player 3

Gffrey has blocked a spot for Player

Gffrey has blocked a spot for Player

Gffrey has blocked a spot for Player

Aminebln joined the match

jr35v joined the match

The match is full

Aminebln left the match

jr35v left the match

Gaelinho joined the match

Gaelinho left the match

Gffrey has blocked a spot for Polo

Gffrey has blocked a spot for Fr

The match is full


04/1 11:54

Je suis partant si un joueur se désiste


04/1 11:58

C'est noté merci je te redis si on a un désistement


04/1 17:05

Oui, j’ai 20minutes de route donc si jamais je ne pourrais pas venir au dernier moment ^^ sauf si je suis prévenu à 18h30 mais après ça fait tard


04/1 17:05

Si jamais

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Tuesday 4 January at 19:00