Soccer on Monday 3, January at 19:30

→ Organized by Matthieu Priou

Open soccer match
19:30 → 20:30


Quentin (added by Matthieu Priou)
KY (added by Matthieu Priou)
Kevin (added by Matthieu Priou)
Gaël (added by Matthieu Priou)
Alex (added by Billy)
Gwen (added by Billy)
1 Removed
1 Removed
2 Removed
3 Removed
4 Removed
Didi Won't be there
Wal Removed
Clem Won't be there
Luis7779 Won't be there
O Jamalinho Won't be there
Brian Won't be there
antoine Has been invited
Jeremy Has been invited
Jocelyn Has been invited
Driss Has been invited
Fillo35 Has been invited
Charly50 Has been invited
Yohann35 Has been invited
Thomas LB Has been invited
Alan Has been invited
Vino_Drogba Has been invited
Soo Has been invited
Charles Has been invited

Matthieu Priou has blocked a spot for Quentin

Matthieu Priou has blocked a spot for KY

Matthieu Priou has blocked a spot for Kevin

Matthieu Priou has blocked a spot for Gaël

The organizer has edited the lineups

Luis7779 joined the match

Luis7779 has blocked a spot for 1

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Luis7779 has removed the player 1

Luis7779 has blocked a spot for 2

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Luis7779 has blocked a spot for 3

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Luis7779 has blocked a spot for 4

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


03/1 12:06

J’ai rejoint et bloqué les places pour des potes, je vois avec eux et d’ici quelques minutes je confirme ou supprime ce qui ne seraient pas chaud

Matthieu Priou

03/1 12:08

Ok Luis !

Matthieu Priou

03/1 12:14

Est ce que 19h ça t’irait aussi Luis ?

Luis7779 has removed the player 1

Luis7779 has removed the player 2

Luis7779 has removed the player 3

Luis7779 has removed the player 4


03/1 12:23

Je les supprime pour l’instant parce qu’ils ont pas l’air très chauds et comme ça je bloque pas les places pour rien


03/1 12:24

19h c’est ok pour moi

Matthieu Priou

03/1 12:27

Ok - en fait ce sera 19h30 j’ai pas pu avancer


03/1 12:28


Nass joined the match

Billy joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Nass has blocked a spot for Wal

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Billy has blocked a spot for Alex

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


03/1 12:33

Ah mince je voulais ajouter un autre joueur

Matthieu Priou

03/1 12:43

Luis désolé pour tes potes du coup …

Nguyen si t’as un pote dispo encore reste connecté parce que Luis va peut être se sortir du match car il avait prévu de jouer avec ses potes mais le match s’est complété trop vite 😄


03/1 12:45

Ok je vois ça elle est où la liste d'attente


03/1 12:46

Je laisse ma place du coup ! Bon match

Luis7779 left the match

Matthieu Priou

03/1 12:49

Nguyen tu peux y aller il y a la place de libre.

Billy has blocked a spot for Gwen

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Matthieu Priou

03/1 13:01

Parfait les gars ! Pas de faux plan hein on a du dire non à pas mal de monde donc tout le monde sur le terrain à 19h15 ✌🏻⚽️

Gaelinho joined the waiting list

Gaelinho joined the waiting list

Gaelinho left the waiting list

Gaelinho joined the waiting list


03/1 13:12

Salut les gars, j'ai inscris JM sous mon pseudo, un grd gars qui a déjà joué avec nous en championnat, au cas où nouvelle désaffection 😉


03/1 13:14

En liste d'attente sous Gaelinho je voulais dire

Sco joined the waiting list

Gaelinho automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Nass has removed the player Wal


03/1 15:32

Je viens bien sous deux pseudo mais bien avec mon pote JM 😉

Mathieu Person joined the waiting list

Mathieu Person

03/1 15:49

Dispo en cas de désistement


03/1 15:55

J'ai mon pote Pierre de dispo aussi au cas où


03/1 16:06

Dispo en cas de désistement

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

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This match is over

This match was played on the Monday 3 January at 19:30