Petit foot sympathique! on Monday 29, July at 20:00

→ Organized by Johann

Open soccer match
20:00 → 22:00


Driss (added by Johann)
Sampaio (added by Johann)
Félicien (added by Johann)
Jozop (added by Johann)
Pior (added by Johann)
François (added by Johann)
Toni (added by Johann)
Louis (added by Johann)
Rio (added by Johann)
Frankie (added by Johann)
Guigui (added by Johann)
Oliver (added by Johann)
Honoré Removed
FranckyZoukLove Won't be there
Nass Won't be there
Tdynho Won't be there
Mathieu Person

24/7 21:35

Dispo si il y a un désistement


24/7 23:43

Ok Mathieu c’est noté


27/7 15:12

Du coup désolé les amis je vais devoir me désister à cause d'une blessure. Bon match à vous...


29/7 09:18

Ok vu, bon rétablissement


29/7 19:52

Salut, les gars je serais un peu en retard

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This match is over

This match was played on the Monday 29 July at 20:00