Soccer on Sunday 19, February at 00:15

→ Organized by Ricardo Daniel

Open soccer match
00:15 → 01:45


Rachid Jilali (added by Ricardo Daniel)
Tony (added by Abdellatif futsal )
Mo Ela (added by Abdellatif futsal )
Abdellati (added by Abdellatif futsal )

Ricardo Daniel has blocked a spot for Rachid Jilali

Abdellatif futsal joined the match

Dyma joined the match

ELOUAMI Abdelaziz joined the match

Tomi joined the match

Jairo andres joined the match

Abdellatif futsal has blocked a spot for Tony

Abdellatif futsal has blocked a spot for Mo Ela

Abdellatif futsal has blocked a spot for Abdellati


18/2 21:21


Simo11 joined the match

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 19 February at 00:15