Soccer on Wednesday 4, December at 22:00

→ Organized by Rui Alferes

Open soccer match
22:00 → 23:00
Ruço Has been invited
Rui Rodrigues 66 Has been invited
Wallif Carlos Has been invited
Paulo Mota Has been invited
thasys Has been invited
Luís Teixeira Has been invited

Leonardo Martinho joined the match

Leonardo Martinho joined the match

RuiRodrigues66 joined the match

Marcelo Ruço joined the match

Rui Alferes has blocked a spot for Fábio Carretas

Rui Alferes has blocked a spot for Fernando Mateus

Rui Alferes has blocked a spot for Ramon Gomes

Ricardo Rodrigues joined the match

Ricardo Yoko joined the match

Nelson Tavares joined the match

Anderson Dias joined the match

Robot Assistant

03/12 22:00

The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?

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