Soccer on Tuesday 28, January at 18:00

→ Organized by Joel Pinheiro

Open soccer match
18:00 → 19:00

Márcio "Marega" Monteiro joined the match

Diogo Palhais joined the match

Filipe Oliveira joined the match

Antonio F. joined the match

Aires Oliveira joined the match

Adriano "Mané" VS joined the match

João Cardoso joined the match

Miguel Castro joined the match

Adriano "Mané" VS has blocked a spot for Tiago

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

Márcio "Marega" Monteiro has been voted Man of the Match!

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This match is over

This match was played on the Tuesday 28 January at 18:00