Soccer on Monday 13, May at 18:30

→ Organized by Salim

Open soccer match
18:30 → 19:30


Mehdi78 Won't be there
josé pes 78 Has been invited
OR'L Has been invited
Aldenis Has been invited
Regis t Has been invited
Epf78 Has been invited
Selwan Has been invited
Hamza Chaieb Has been invited
Nicky Has been invited
Karabaka Has been invited
Abli Has been invited
Riquelme Has been invited
Marsu78 Has been invited
SebastienZO Has been invited
Kevin Pourcel Has been invited

Lima94 joined the match


04/5 12:22



04/5 13:17

Salut ça va


04/5 13:17

Je tente pour rassembler des personnes pour se faire des foot


04/5 13:18

Mais sa m'étonnerait


04/5 13:19

Si tu connais des personnes qui seront intéressé n'hésite pas à les inviter


06/5 12:07

Je pense que ce site est mort il a ya personne


06/5 12:16

J'ai invité des gens du coin de ce site un peu au hasard on vera


06/5 20:49

Et sinon toi tu as déjà jouer ici aux environs de Plaisir ?
Moi avec l'application j'ai une équipe qui joue régulièrement les dimanche matin, mais c'est à Maulette aux environs de Houdan, j'ai déjà jouer avec eux à maintes reprise mais c'est un peu loin pour moi du coup je cherche quelque chose plus près mais je connais pas bcp de monde


06/5 22:28

Nan pas vraiment, je suis arrivé il ya pas long temps au clayes sous bois, je connais pas du monde pour le foot

Robot Assistant

12/5 18:30

The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?

Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

13/5 18:30

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!

Robot Assistant

13/5 19:30

The match is over! How was it? Don't forget to Vote for the Man of the Match!

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Monday 13 May at 18:30