Soccer on Monday 7, October at 20:00

→ Organized by Pauleta33

Open soccer match
20:00 → 21:00
Gautier Bdn Won't be there
Slim33 Removed
Martin g Won't be there
LeoKedgeBs Has been invited
Moulinet Has been invited
Lyes Albicelesto Has been invited
Alexpaya Has been invited
manuelaclau Has been invited
Maxime33 Has been invited
Maxence carvalho Has been invited
Raphouuu Has been invited

Charlie31 joined the match

Martin g joined the match

Derbal joined the match

Julien Lacrouzade joined the match

Slim33 joined the match

Gautier Bdn joined the match

Arkibi joined the match

Mosalah joined the match

Yassine J joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Mosalah has blocked a spot for Mehdi

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


01/10 17:46

Dispo si besoin. Merci


01/10 17:50

Slt damien mets toi sur la liste d'attente c'est mieux

Vega joined the waiting list

Vega automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Slim33 has been removed from the players

Martin g left the match

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