Soccer on Sunday 19, February at 10:25

→ Organized by Derbal

Open soccer match
10:25 → 11:55
Ilyes33 Won't be there
Pauleta33 Won't be there
Romain Lcte Won't be there
Aymane Ak Won't be there
DoubleH Won't be there
Vega Has been invited
pie-leroy Has been invited
Aurelien1609 Has been invited
Jeecey Has been invited
Cyril93 Has been invited
Tawfik Has been invited
Lyes Albicelesto Has been invited
Said_10 Has been invited
AntoineP Has been invited
Antho33 Has been invited
Enso31 Has been invited
Mariano Alvarez Has been invited
Thomas PIALOUX Has been invited
Nassrou Has been invited

Bibo joined the match

DoubleH joined the match

Mehdi spoon joined the match

Moxx33 joined the match

Romain Lcte joined the match

Nabil-H joined the match

Marwane Rezzouki joined the match

Derbal has blocked a spot for Amine

Romain Lcte left the match

Invited players have been notified

Ilyesse joined the match

DoubleH left the match

Derbal has blocked a spot for Yazide

Aminovic10 joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Kick-off : match is starting

The organizer has edited the lineups

The organizer has edited the lineups

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

To ask a question or post a comment, you must : Sign up , It is free.

This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 19 February at 10:25