Soccer on Sunday 23, February at 10:30

→ Organized by Adhem

Open soccer match
10:30 → 13:30


Khalil15 Won't be there
loick_ Has been invited
Pierre2004 Has been invited
VicenteLeMarseillais Has been invited
Alex945 Has been invited
Evan94 Has been invited
Moussa Has been invited

22/2 02:08

C’est où qUelle ville

Khalil15 left the match


22/2 19:20

A mandres les roses près de boissy st léger dans le val de marne


22/2 19:21

C’est a 35 minute de chez toi

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 23 February at 10:30